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Maui County, HI, Island Plan
Adopted December 2012The scenic resource component of the county’s general plan aims to protect scenic resources through regulatory controls and preservation strategies.Maui County, HI -
Olympia, WA, Comprehensive Plan
Revised September 2016The city’s comprehensive plan includes a land use goal that aims to protect, preserve, and enhance community views.Olympia, WA -
Guilford, CT, Plan of Conservation and Development
Adopted July 2015The town’s comprehensive plan identifies that diverse landscapes are an important component of the town’s identity and aims to preserve scenic resources.Guilford town, CT -
Lincolnville, ME, Comprehensive Plan
March 2006The town’s comprehensive plan identifies scenic views as a critical natural resource.Lincolnville town, ME -
Humboldt County, CA, General Plan
Adopted October 2017The county’s comprehensive plan provides goals and policies to protect a variety of outstanding scenic resources.Humboldt County, CA -
Albemarle County, VA, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted June 2015The county’s comprehensive plan includes an element with objectives and strategies to protect scenic resources.Albemarle County, VA -
Alameda County, CA, General Plan
Amended 2015The county’s general plan includes a Scenic Route Element, which aims to preserve and enhance scenic resources along designated routes.Alameda County, CA -
Copake, NY, 2011 Comprehensive Plan
Adopted July 2011The town’s comprehensive plan aims to preserve a scenic rural landscape.Copake town, NY -
Franklin Regional Council of Governments Route 112 Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan
2009This functional plan provides an inventory of scenic resources along the Route 112 corridor and provides recommendations to protect scenic areas.Hampshire County, MA -
Alameda County, CA, Niles Canyon Road and Paloma Way Portion of California State Route 84
February 2007This functional plan summarizes ordinances and other regulatory measures that aim to protect scenic views along the Niles Canyon and Paloma Way portion of State Route 84.Alameda County, CA -
Shawangunk Mountains Regional Partnership Open Space Plan
Adopted December 2008This functional plan identifies scenic views as a resource to protect under an open space plan.New York -
Manassas Battlefields Viewshed Plan: Background Study & Plan
http://eservice.pwcgov.org/planning/documents/archaeology/FINAL_MNBP_ViewshedPlan.pdfThis functional plan provides information to protect historically significant viewsheds.Prince William County, VA -
Wrentham, MA, General Bylaws
June 2014The town’s zoning code protects scenic roads by regulating roadway repairs, maintenance, and reconstruction activities.Wrentham town, MA -
Winter Park, FL, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s zoning code protects lakefront areas from developments that would impact the aesthetic appeal.Winter Park, FL -
Michener’s Chesapeake Country Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan
2011This regional plan provides guidance for scenic byway protection around the Chesapeake Bay.Maryland -
Westford, MA, Bylaws
2016The town’s scenic road code protects scenic roads features, such as trees and stone walls, during repairs, maintenance, reconstruction, or paving work.Westford town, MA -
I-69 Scenic Corridor Management Plan
February 2002by: Joan Nassauer, Frederick Taintor, AICPThis scenic corridor management plan presents important scenic resources and provides recommendations to protect scenic quality.Michigan -
Spotsylvania County, VA, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s zoning code includes rural viewshed preservation as one of four design alternative optionss for development within planned residential rural district.Spotsylvania County, VA -
Somers, NY, Town Code
2016The town’s scenic resource protection code protects scenic landscapes, geologic and aesthetic features.Somers town, NY -
Tiverton, RI, Code of Ordinances
2016The town’s land development and subdivision code protects viewsheds by requiring plans to assess impacts on scenic viewsheds.Tiverton town, RI -
Lincolnville, ME, Land Use Code
2016The town’s land use code protects identified scenic views through design standards that reduce impacts on scenic quality.Lincolnville town, ME -
Marvin, NC, Code of Ordinances
2017The village’s zoning code requires viewshed buffers in large tract subdivisions.Marvin, NC -
New Kent County, VA, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s land development code aims to protect visual resources along primary county roadways.New Kent County, VA -
Napa County, CA, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s zoning code protects the scenic qualities of the county, including ridgelines and hillsides.Napa County, CA -
North Elba and Lake Placid, NY, Planning and Zoning Code
http://www.northelba.org/?page=government/code-enforcement/code-regulationsThe town and village’s unified development code uses overlay districts to protect scenic resources, including view corridors, areas of visual sensitivity, and shorelands, from undue visual impact.North Elba town, NY -
Lafayette Township, NJ, Revised General Ordinances
2016The town’s zoning code establishes a Ridgeline and Hillside Viewshed Protection Zone to protect viewsheds.Lafayette township, NJ -
Jackson County, NC, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s unified development code protects viewsheds by regulating activities that may impact topography and natural features.Jackson County, NC -
Hopkinton, MA, General Bylaws
2017The town’s scenic roads code protects scenic roads, surrounding trees, and stone walls.Hopkinton town, MA -
Hyde Park, NY, General Legislation
2017The town’s zoning code protects scenic resources through scenic overlay districts.Hyde Park town, NY -
Flagler County, FL, Code of Ordinances
2017by: Flagler County / Bd of Cnty CommThe county’s zoning code designates State Road A1A as a scenic corridor to protect the unique environment located along the corridor.Flagler County, FL -
Enterprise, OR, Code of Ordinances
2016by: City of Enterprise, ORThe city’s zoning code protects scenic views through a view corridor review that assesses visual impact of proposed buildings to the Wallowa Mountains.Enterprise, OR -
Gastonia, NC, Unified Development Ordinance
2017by: City of Gastonia Planning DeptThe city’s unified development code establishes a scenic view overlay district to protect views from a botanical garden.Gastonia, NC -
Castle Rock, CO, Municipal Code
2017by: Town of Castle RockThe town’s zoning code protects views to significant landforms and preserves the natural heritage by using a zoning overlay district.Castle Rock, CO -
Crawford, NY, Town Code
2014by: Town of Crawford, NYThe town’s zoning code requires site plan review and approval for uses and developments within the scenic corridor overlay zoning district.Crawford town, NY -
Boone, NC, Code of Ordinances
2017by: Town of Boone, NCThe town’s unified development code protects scenic resources through a viewshed protection district.Boone township, NC -
Chatham County, NC, Compact Communities Ordinance
2017by: Chatham CountyThe county’s compact communities ordinance requires a viewshed buffer to protect roadway views.Chatham County, NC -
Skamania, WA, County Code
2017The county’s Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area code includes provisions to protect scenic resources, including scenic corridors.Skamania County, WA -
Blooming Grove, NY, Town Code
2017The town’s zoning code uses overlay districts to protect scenic views.Blooming Grove town, NY -
Pleasant Garden, NC, Development Ordinance
2016The town's development code permits accessory solar energy systems; its zoning code protects scenic roads through scenic corridor overlay districts.Pleasant Garden, NC -
Dover, NH, City Code
2016by: City of Dover, NHThe city's zoning regulations protect views from scenic roads and encourage rooftop solar panels in the central business district.Dover, NH -
Moraga, CA, Design Guidelines
January 2010The town's design guidelines focus on maintaining its semi-rural character, preserving scenic corridors, and encourages solar energy use.Moraga, CA -
Humboldt County, CA, County Code
2017The county’s land use & development code permits multiple types of medical-marijuana-related uses by right or with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards.Humboldt County, CA -
Pueblo County, CO, County Code
2017The county’s land use code permits multiple types of marijuana-related uses by right, subject to use-specific standards.Pueblo County, CO -
Youngtown, AZ, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s zoning code permits multiple types of medical-marijuana-related uses by right, subject to use-specific standards.Youngtown, AZ -
Juneau, AK, Code of Ordinances
2017The city and borough’s land use code permits multiple types of marijuana-related uses with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards.Juneau city and, AK -
Manitou Springs, CO, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s business licensing code permits multiple types of medical- and recreational-marijuana-related uses, subject to licensing standards.Manitou Springs, CO -
Tualatin, OR, Development Code
2017The city’s development code permits various types of marijuana-related uses by right, subject to use-specific standards.Tualatin, OR -
Mason County, WA, Code of Ordinances
2016The county’s zoning code permits multiple types of recreational-marijuana-related uses by right, subject to use-specific standards.Mason County, WA -
Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK, Borough Code
2017The borough’s zoning code permits multiple types of marijuana-related uses either by right or with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards.Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK -
Lafayette, CO, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s marijuana code permits multiple types of medical- and recreational-marijuana-related uses, subject to licensing standards.Lafayette, CO