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Salt Lake City, UT, Cultural Core Action Plan
2016This subarea plan highlights the importance of creative placemaking in supporting an active Cultural Core in Salt Lake City. -
Providence, RI, Transportation Corridors to Livable Communities Creative Community Development and Placemaking Strategies
November 2012by: Craig Dreeszen, Tom Borrup, Stephanie FortunatoThis functional plan provides recommendations to engage in arts and culture strategies to improve livability along five transit corridors. -
Providence, RI, Creative Providence
June 2009The city’s creativity functional plan identifies goals related to expand support for arts and culture initiatives and encourage Providence to grow its creative center. -
Minneapolis, MN, The Minneapolis Creative City Road Map
Adopted October 2016The city's functional plan explores how to integrate arts and culture in creating a vibrant city. -
Los Alamos, NM, Creative District Plan
Revised April 2012This subarea plan uses creative placemaking to promote place-based community economic development that incorporates arts and culture. -
Colorado Creative Districts Statute
Colorado Revised Statutes. § 24-48.5-314 – 315, amended 2018Colorado’s revised statutes enable local governments to designate creative districts, which are defined as a hub for cultural facilities, creative industries, or arts-related businesses. -
Connecticut Neighborhood Revitalization Zones Statutes
General Statutes §7-600, Amended 2006Connecticut’s general code supports arts activities through neighborhood revitalization plans and economic and community development provisions. -
Maryland Economic Development Code
Annotated Code of Maryland, § 4-701 - §4-801, 2017Maryland’s economic development code establishes arts and entertainment districts and a special fund for preservation of cultural arts in the state. -
New Mexico Arts and Cultural Districts Act
New Mexico Statutes Annotated §15-5A, Amended 2007New Mexico’s Arts and Cultural Districts Act supports creative placemaking by enabling state and municipally authorized arts and cultural districts. -
South Carolina Libraries, Archives, Museums and Arts Statute
South Carolina Code of Laws §60-15, 2014South Carolina’s libraries, archives, museums, and arts statutes enable the arts commission to designate cultural districts that support creative placemaking. -
Glendale, CA, Municipal Code
2016The city's municipal code establishes an urban art fund that encourages creative placemaking, establishes a design review process, addresses wireless telecommunications facilities in the public right-of-way. -
Southfield, MI, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s administrative code creates a public arts commission to engage in creative placemaking by including arts in public spaces. -
Creative Placemaking: Connecting Community Development and the Arts
February 2015This collection of videos discusses various elements of successful creative placemaking. -
Placemaking and Cleveland with National Endowment for the Arts
Arts and Culture Roundtable, July, 2013This recorded presentation discusses the relationship between creative economy and creative placemaking. -
Creative Policymaking: Taking the Lessons of Creative Placemaking to Scale
Artivate: A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts, Volume, Issue 2, 2017by: Kiley ArroyoThis article focuses on how creative placemaking can encourage participatory policymaking. -
Defining Creative Placemaking: A Talk with Ann Markusen and Anne Gadwa Nicodemus
NEA Arts Magazine, Issue 2012, Number 3, 2012by: Jason SchupbachThis article discusses changes in creative placemaking since the release of the white paper titled "Creative Placemaking." -
When Artists Break Ground: Lessons from a Cleveland Neighborhood Partnership
2014This report focuses on how collaboration between multiple community leaders and artists led to creative placemaking in Collinswood, a community in Cleveland. -
Informal Arts: Finding Cohesion, Capacity and Other Cultural Benefits in Unexpected Places
June 2002by: Alaka Wali, Rebecca Severson, Mario LongoniThis article discusses the importance of informal arts in creating fulfilling experiences for community members, a piece that is central to creative placemaking. -
Placemaking and Social Equity: Expanding the Framework of Creative Placemaking
Artivate: A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2014by: Debra WebbThis article discusses how creative placemaking efforts can expand to promote civic engagement and social change. -
Opportunity at the Intersection of Community Development and Creative Placemaking
Community Development Investment Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2014by: Ben HechtThis article looks at how creative placemaking can encourage community development. -
Bridging Policy and Placemaking to Activate Vacant Properties: Exploring Barriers and Potential in Minneapolis
July 2017by: Kate Renn, Nicole HeymanThis report focuses on creative placemaking projects and opportunities to activate vacant properties in Minneapolis using arts and culture strategies. -
Bridging Policy and Placemaking to Activate Vacant Properties: Exploring Barriers and Potential in St. Paul
July 2017by: Kate Renn, Nicole HeymanThis report focuses on creative placemaking projects and opportunities to activate vacant properties in St. Paul using arts and culture strategies. -
Not Just Murals: Insights into Artists’ Leadership in Community Development
2017by: Anne Nicodemus, Rachel Engh, Christopher WalkerThis report explores why artists leaders are a key component of creative placemaking and community development efforts. -
Farther, Faster, Together: How Arts and Culture Can Accelerate Environmental Progress
February 2018This report focuses on how creative placemaking can help communities address environmental challenges. -
Native American Creative Placemaking
January 2018by: Evelynn ImmonenThis report explores the role of creative placemaking in Native American culture. -
Advancing One Water Through Arts and Culture: A Blueprint for Action
2018by: Danielle Mayorga, Megan Demit, Alexis FraszThis report highlights how approaching water issues through arts and culture strategies can generate solutions and activate communities. -
Lessons from The Field Reflections on Rural Placemaking
December 2017This report reflects on how creative placemaking efforts can impact rural communities. -
Creative Placemaking Case Study: North Collinwood
May 2017This report presents how creative placemaking in a Cleveland community has positively impacted residents by supporting existing cultural assets, building connections between artists and community, and implementing small-scale projects. -
Made with Love: Recipes for Community Change
2017by: Mia ScharpieThis guide provides step by step guidance for creative placemaking projects, highlighting partnerships, materials, and advice from organizers. -
Project Guide: Activating Vacancy
November 2016This guide provides a step by step process for activating communities through civic and artistic engagement. -
Creative Communities and Arts-Based Placemaking
June 2015This blog post discusses how arts-based placemaking can benefit communities. -
Meet the Entrepreneurs Creating an Arts and Culture-Based Economy in Post-Coal Appalachia
April 2017by: Alexis StephensThis blog post describes community-led creative placemaking and community development efforts in Letcher County, Kentucky. -
Can Creative Placemaking Be Used as a Tool to Build Community Resilience?
October 2017by: Frederick ZindellThis blog post highlights the role of creative placemaking in encouraging climate and cultural resilience. -
Five Steps toward Implementing Creative Placemaking
October 2017by: Juanita HardyThis blog post highlights a creative placemaking process used to develop a mixed-use complex in the District of Columbia. -
Promoting Equitable Change Through Creative Placemaking and Complete Streets
December 2017by: Nimotalai Azeez, Ignacio Bunster-Ossa, Joseph CosgroveThis online training highlights how creative placemaking can transform streets into activated community spaces and encourage equitable community building. -
Creative Placemaking Ohio
2017This online training discusses a creative placemaking initiative in Ohio, featuring perspectives from a variety of community stakeholders, including planners, community developers, and artists. -
Creative Placemaking (Artscape)
n.d.This website highlights the benefits of creative placemaking and identifies different strategies that can be adapted to best support communities. -
ArtPlace America
n.d.This website explores the relationship between creative placemaking, community planning, and development. -
Art in Transit Program (BART)
n.d.This web page describes the efforts in the Bay Area to incorporate creative placemaking in the transit system through a request for qualifications process. -
Creative Placemaking (LISC)
n.d.This web page provides a framework for creative placemaking, including principles, impact, and resources on creative placemaking. -
Creative Placemaking Resources
October 2016This clearinghouse provides creative placemaking resources from Urban Land Institute and partners. -
Sheridan, OR, Municipal Code
Updated July 2018The city's development code establishes solar energy collectors and systems as permitted uses in all zones and provides protections from shading of systems by rooftop appurtenances. -
Sherwood, OR, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2018The city's zoning code promotes solar access and protections for buildings and sites, and establishes special height limitations for solar energy system equipment in certain districts. -
South San Francisco, CA, Municipal Code
Updated October 2018The city's zoning ordinance exempts solar panels from height limits; increases in building height within residential and downtown districts must not interfere with solar access to adjacent residences. -
South Berwick, ME, Town Code
Updated October 2017These subdivision regulations address solar considerations the section on general requirements. -
Silverthorne, CO, Town Code
Updated March 2018In the town's community development code, landscaping plans may not interfere with neighboring property owners' solar access rights. -
Capital Budgeting Strategies in Good Times…and Bad
Illinois Municipal Policy Journal, 1(1): 51–65, 2016by: Beverly BunchThis article presents a series of recommendations to help municipal managers and local officials in Illinois improve capital budgeting processes. -
City Planning and Infrastructure: Once and Future Partners
Journal of Planning History, 9(1): 21–42, 2010by: Michael Neuman, Sheri Smith, AICPThis article presents a historical overview of the connections between land-use and infrastructure planning. -
The Best Planning Tool You Aren't Using: Capital Improvement Plans
New Hampshire Town and City, September/October 2014by: C. FillmoreThis article briefly explains the importance of capital improvement programming to achieving local goals. -
Capital Improvement Programs
Planning Commissioners Journal, Winter 1996–97 & Spring 1997by: Michael ChandlerThis two-part article provides an overview of the capital improvements program as a plan implementation tool.