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EPA RE-Powering Mapping and Screening Tools: Land Use Considerations Training Module
February 2018This training module guides stakeholders through land use and siting considerations related to the development of renewable energy on contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites. -
Wind Works for America's Cities
June 2017This fact sheet discusses municipal wind energy purchasing strategies. -
RE-Powering Mapper 2.0
Updated September 2018This interactive map contains over 130,000 contaminated sites across the U.S. evaluated for their renewable energy development potential. -
Wind Turbine: Planning, Site Constraints and Issues
November 2011This recorded session presents a case study from the UK illustrating how site constraints and multi-jurisdictional regulations influence the siting of wind energy projects. -
Map of Wind Farms
October 2017This interactive map is an open-source database of installed wind energy facilities.This interactive map is an open-source database of installed wind energy facilities. -
Wind in My Community
2018This interactive map displays installed wind capacity by state, state-specific wind energy statistics, and fact sheets with further wind energy information for each state. -
Respect and Restore: Reassessing Local Wind Energy Standards
May 2016by: Lucas NelsenThis guide provides an overview of wind energy conversion system (WECS) siting and construction processes as they relate to county and township wind energy regulations. -
Large Community Wind Handbook
2017This guide provides resources for planning, regulating, and developing large-scale community wind projects. -
Small Community Wind Handbook
2017This guide highlights resources for planning, regulating, and developing small-scale community wind projects. -
Quantifying the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: A Guide for State and Local Governments
Revised July 2018by: Denise Mulholland, Julie Rosenberg, Carolyn SnyderThis guide provides governments and policymakers an analytical framework, various tools, and case studies to quantify benefits from energy efficiency and renewable energy. -
Tompkins County, NY, Tools to Promote and Regulate the Deployment of Renewable Energy Systems
June 2017This guide provides municipalities in Tompkins County, NY, with regulatory recommendations for crafting wind and solar ordinances aligned with the county comprehensive plan. -
Distributed Wind Energy Zoning and Permitting: A Toolkit for Local Governments
November 2017by: Dana Drugmand, Val StoriThis guide is designed to help cities and counties facilitate the development of distributed wind systems, and it includes a model ordinance. -
New York Wind Energy Guide for Local Decision Makers
June 2017This guide provides jurisdictions and developers in New York state with an overview of wind energy and guidance for regulating, planning for, and developing wind energy projects. -
Buying Clean Electricity: How Cities Benefit from Power Purchase Agreements
September 2018by: Jessica Leung, Amy BaileyThis briefing paper explores the power purchase agreement (PPA) model as an approach to purchasing renewable energy. -
Successful County Wind Siting Practices in Iowa
November 2018by: Nathaniel Baer, Clare Kernek, Kerri JohannsenThis guide for Iowa Counties provides wind ordinance recommendations, examples from around the state, and discussion of the recommended practices. -
Zoning for Small- and Medium-Scale Wind Energy: Model Ordinance and Resource Guide
2017by: Sarah Adams-Schoen, Evan ZablowThis guide provides municipalities in New York with a model ordinance with commentary and additional discussion and resources for planning and regulating wind energy. -
County Strategies for Successfully Managing and Promoting Wind Power: Implementing Wind Ordinances in America's Counties
2012by: Jared Lang, Cindy Wasser, Jennifer JenkinsThis guide provides county-level officials with an overview of wind energy development, the role of counties in wind development, recommended practices for regulating wind energy, and case studies. -
Vermont Guidance for Municipal Enhanced Energy Planning Standards
March 2017This guide helps Vermont municipalities develop enhanced energy plans, aiding with existing energy conditions, establishing local targets aligned with state energy goals, and mapping renewable energy development potential. -
A Guide to Drafting Wind Turbine Regulations
September 2013by: David McGlinchey, Shelly CaporossiThis guide examines the regulatory methods employed in existing and model wind energy ordinances. -
Handbook on Siting Renewable Energy Projects While Addressing Environmental Issues
2015This guide provides an overview of, and resources for, siting renewable energy projects on environmentally degraded lands. -
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines
March 2012This guide outlines the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) voluntary, 5-tiered guidelines for assessing and mitigating potential risks to “species of concern.” -
Guide to Permitting Wind Energy Projects in Wyoming
July 2012by: Tetra Tech Inc.This guide summarizes local, state, and federal siting and permitting requirements for wind energy in Wyoming. -
Community Wind Toolbox
2015by: Brian Antonich, Lisa Daniels, Sarah JohnsonThis guide contains resources for planning and developing large-scale community wind energy projects. -
The Georgia Model Wind Ordinance Guide for Local Governments: Land Based Wind Installations
Fall 2010by: Andrew PinsonThis guide provides communities in Georgia with background and guidance for developing wind energy ordinances. -
Land-Based Wind Energy: A Guide to Understanding the Issues and Making Informed Decisions
2011by: CLF Ventures, Inc.This guide provides background on, and recommendations for, local officials developing wind projects. -
Community Wind Toolkit: A Guide to Developing Wind Energy Projects in Alaska
March 2011by: Jill Maynard, Emilie Johannes, Chris RoseThis guide provides resources for community wind projects in Alaska. -
New Hampshire Small Wind Energy Systems Technical Bulletin
Fall 2008This guide summarizes State of New Hampshire wind energy statutes that affect municipal regulations and includes a model small-scale wind energy ordinance. -
Wind Energy Guide for County Commissioners
DOE/GO-102006-2370, October 2006by: Mike Costanti, Peggy BeltroneThis guide provides county-level officials with a series of brief, informative tables detailing wind energy development processes. -
Policies to Promote Small Wind Turbines: A Menu for State and Local Governments
2008This guide discusses local government policy tools to facilitate the development of small wind energy systems in their community. -
Maine State Planning Office Model Wind Energy Facility Ordinance
January 2016This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in Maine develop wind energy regulations. -
Wind Energy Siting Handbook: Guideline Options for Kansas Cities and Counties
Special Report 2005-1, April 2005by: The Lehman GroupThis guide provides Kansas cities and counties with recommended practices for approaching wind energy regulation, a summary of state land use regulations, and wind ordinance examples from four Kansas counties. -
Distributed Wind Energy Association Distributed Wind Model Zoning Ordinance
February 2014This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties develop supportive regulations for local-serving wind energy generation. -
Minnesota Local Government Wind Toolkit
July 2017by: Great Plans InstituteThis guide provides Minnesota communities with resources for crafting wind energy ordinances and includes a model wind energy ordinance. -
Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects
IEA Wind Recommended Practices 14, January 2013by: Stefanie Huber, Robert HorbatyThis guide is designed to help state and local governments address common concerns about the potential impacts of wind energy development. -
St. Lawrence County, NY, Model Wind Energy Facility Local Law
2011This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in St. Lawrence County, NY, develop wind energy regulations and wind overlay zones. -
DWEA Model Zoning Ordinance: Permitted Use Regulation for Small Wind Turbines
2012This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties develop supportive regulations for local-serving small-scale wind energy systems. -
New York Model Municipal Wind Siting Ordinance
January 2012by: Jason James, Danielle Sugarman, Marne SussmanThis model ordinance provides a template to help cities in New York develop wind energy regulations. -
Massachusetts Model Amendment to a Zoning Ordinance or By-Law: Allowing Conditional Use of Wind Energy Facilities
June 2011This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in Massachusetts develop regulations for small, large, and building integrated wind energy systems. -
Massachusetts Model As-of-Right Zoning Ordinance or Bylaw: Allowing Use of Wind Energy Facilities
June 2011This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in Massachusetts develop permitted by right wind energy regulations. -
Model Wind Ordinance for Wind Energy Facilities in North Carolina
July 2008This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties in North Carolina develop wind energy regulations. -
Model Wind Ordinance for Wind Energy Facilities
March 2010This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties in Georgia develop wind energy regulations. -
Toward the Development of a Model Ordinance Addressing Small Wind Energy Systems for New Jersey Municipalities
Version 5, November 2007by: Michael Winka, Peter Jansson, Michael MullerThis model ordinance provides a template to help cities in New Jersey develop small wind energy system regulations. -
Draft Model Small Wind Ordinance for Maryland
March 2008This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties in Maryland develop small wind energy system regulations. -
Coconino County, AZ, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted December 2015The county's comprehensive plan belongs to the Outdoor Lighting and Wind Energy collections. -
Stowe, VT, Town Plan
Adopted November 2018The town’s comprehensive plan inventories wind energy resources, assesses the compatibility of wind energy systems with existing land uses, and sets renewable generation goals, which include policies for future land use and the town electric department. -
BRPC, MA, Sustainable Berkshires Regional Plan
Adopted March 2014This regional comprehensive plan inventories high wind potential areas, assesses the compatibility of wind energy systems with existing land uses, and sets policies to achieve regional energy goals. -
Model Ordinance for Wind Energy Facilities in Pennsylvania
March 2006This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in Pennsylvania develop wind energy regulations. -
Reno County, KS, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted November 2018The county’s comprehensive plan inventories wind energy resources, assesses the compatibility of wind energy systems with existing land uses, and includes wind energy regulation in the plan implementation steps. -
Greeley County, NE, Comprehensive Plan - 2025
Adopted April 2015The county’s comprehensive plan establishes supportive goals and policies for wind energy systems. -
Hastings, NE, Imagine Hastings
Adopted February 2009The city’s comprehensive plan inventories wind resources, sets goals and objectives for wind energy development, and assesses the compatibility of wind energy systems with existing land uses.