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Unalaska, AK, Code of Ordinances
Updated December 2018The city’s codified ordinances define and regulate small and large wind energy systems. -
Hillsborough Township, NJ, Township Code
Updated October 2018The township’s zoning code defines and regulates horizontal- and vertical-axis small wind energy systems. -
Eliot, ME, Code of Ordinances
Updated November 2018The town’s zoning code permits small wind energy systems as accessory uses with a discretionary use permit in all zoning districts, subject to use-specific standards. -
Lincoln County, NM, Wind Energy Ordinance
Adopted October 2017The county has a discretionary use permit process for all wind energy systems. -
Iron County, UT, Code of Ordinances
Updated December 2018These regulations belong to the Solar Energy and Wind Energy collections. -
Sweden, NY, Town Code
Updated September 2017The town’s wind energy conversion systems code defines and regulates small and large wind energy systems. -
The Five Cs of Neighborhood Planning
PlaceShakers and Newsmakers, August 30, 2012by: Howard BlacksonThis blog post explains why the neighborhood unit is an effective model for defining, planning, and expressing policies or regulations necessary in building great neighborhoods. -
Involving the Community in Neighborhood Planning
September 2004by: Deborah Myerson, AICPThis report discusses seven principles for collaborative neighborhood planning processes. -
Principles of Neighborhood Planning for Community Development
October 2003by: Susan Burkholder, Mark Chupp, Philip StarThis report defines neighborhood planning and presents 14 guiding principles for community development corporations engaged in neighborhood planning efforts. -
Use of the Planning Outreach Liaison Model in the Neighborhood Planning Process: A Case Study in Seattle's Rainier Valley Neighborhood
Urban Studies Research, 2011(687834):1-12, 2011by: Molly Oshun, Nicole ArdoinThis article examines how Seattle used planning outreach liaisons from underrepresented communities to foster diverse participation in a neighborhood planning process. -
How Seattle Is Dismantling a NIMBY Power Structure
Next City, April 2017by: Erica BarnettThis article discusses how Seattle is reforming its approach to neighborhood planning to promote equity. -
Neighborhood Planning for Resilient and Livable Cities Part 1: Why Do Neighborhoods Matter and Where Are We Going Wrong?
The Nature of Cities, September 28, 2014by: Jayne Engle-Warnick, Nik LucaThis blog post examines the pros and cons of focusing planning at the neighborhood level. -
Neighborhood Planning for Resilient and Livable Cities Part 2: Can ‘Nested’ Neighborhood Planning Lead to Urban Ecological Democracy?
The Nature of Cities, March 18, 2015by: Jayne Engle-Warnick, Nik LucaThis blog post discusses four key components of “nested” neighborhood planning that can link the neighborhood scale with city’s broader vision. -
Neighborhood Planning for Resilient and Livable Cities Part 3: Montréal’s Green, Active and Healthy Neighborhoods Project
The Nature of Cities, November 18, 2015by: Jayne Engle-Warnick, Nik LucaThis blog post analyzes a civil society approach to neighborhood planning in Montreal that illustrates the concept of “nested” neighborhood planning. -
Innovating the Planning Process Through Community-Centered Design
Planetizen, August 4, 2015by: Sean O'Malley, Andrew WatkinsThis blog post examines the importance of a community-centered design approach to neighborhood planning. -
Boise, ID, Neighborhood Planning Guide
November 1998by: City of Boise Planning DepartmentThis guide is designed to help neighborhood associations lead neighborhood planning processes. -
Saint Paul, MN, District & Small Area Plan Guidelines
September 2010by: The Saint Paul Planning CommissionThis guide is designed to help neighborhood organizations participate in the city’s neighborhood planning program. -
New Communities Program Planning Handbook
September 2005by: LISC/ChicagoThis guide is designed to help community-based organizations in Chicago participate in a local neighborhood planning program. -
Promoting Urban Neighborhood Development: An Action Planning Guide for Improving Housing, Jobs, Education, Safety and Health, and Human Development
May 2001by: Stephen Fawcett, Jerry Schultz, John CyprusThis guide is designed to help planners and other community stakeholders lead collaborative neighborhood planning processes. -
Oregon City, OR, Code of Ordinances
Updated December 2017This city’s zoning code includes two downtown districts that encourage pedestrian-oriented mixed-use redevelopment.Oregon City, OR -
Lake Oswego, OR, Municipal Code
Updated March 2018The city's community development code belongs to the Downtown Revitalization, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, and Solar Energy collections.Lake Oswego, OR -
Wilmington, DE, Downtown Development District Plan
Updated April 2016This downtown plan evaluates current conditions and makes the case for leveraging state and local funds to revitalize neighborhoods surrounding the downtown commercial core.Wilmington, DE -
Grand Rapids, MI, GR Forward Downtown & River Action Plan
Adopted December 2015This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments, building off of previous, successful revitalization efforts.Grand Rapids city, MI -
Mammoth Lakes, CA, Downtown Revitalization Action Plan
Adopted December 2017This downtown plan details priority revitalization actions addressing public investments, regulatory changes, and partnerships.Mammoth Lakes, CA -
Helena, MT, Downtown Master Plan
Adopted October 2016This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments.Helena, MT -
Hinesville, GA, Code of Ordinances
Updated November 2017The city’s zoning code includes a downtown redevelopment overlay district to encourage the restoration, redevelopment, and development of downtown.Hinesville, GA -
Mishawaka, IN, Code of Ordinances
Updated April 2017The city’s land development code establishes a downtown revolving loan fund and business improvement districts to facilitate downtown revitalization.Mishawaka, IN -
Monroe, WA, Municipal Code
Updated June 2018The city’s planning and zoning code includes a Downtown Commercial zone intended to increase economic and urban activity.Monroe, WA -
Pleasanton, CA, Downtown Specific Plan
Updated January 2014This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments.Pleasanton, CA -
Burlington, VT, Plan BTV Downtown & Waterfront
Adopted June 2013This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments.Burlington, VT -
Wheaton, IL, Wheaton Downtown Strategic and Streetscape Plan
Adopted October 2013This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide public investments.Wheaton, IL -
Douglasville, GA, Downtown Master Plan
Adopted December 2017This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments in a historic small town.Douglasville, GA -
Norfolk, NE, Downtown Revitalization Plan
Adopted September 2017This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments.Norfolk, NE -
Greentown, IN, Downtown Revitalization Plan
Adopted September 2017This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments.Greentown, IN -
Altavista, VA, Code of Ordinances
Updated March 2018The city’s zoning code includes a Downtown Revitalization Overlay District.Altavista, VA -
Lowell, MI, Downtown Placemaking Plan
Adopted 2015This downtown plan details placemaking strategies for a historic small town.Lowell city, MI -
Lake Oswego, OR, Neighborhood Planning Kit
September 2014by: City of Lake Oswego Planning DeptThis guide is designed to help neighborhood associations participate in the city’s neighborhood planning program. -
Philadelphia, PA, Walnut Hill Neighborhood Plan
Adopted July 2016This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a culturally diverse neighborhood in transition. -
Rockville, MD, Rockville Pike Neighborhood Plan
Adopted August 2016by:This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to transform a suburban retail strip to a vibrant mixed-use neighborhood. -
Milwaukee, WI, Milwaukee’s Comprehensive Plan
Updated February 2018The city’s comprehensive plan includes 14 subarea plans covering the extent of its jurisdiction. -
Louisville, KY, Deer Park Neighborhood Plan
Adopted December 2016This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in an established mixed-use neighborhood. -
Boise, ID, Warm Springs Mesa Neighborhood Plan
Adopted October 2013by: City of Boise Planning DepartmentThis subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a growing foothills neighborhood. -
How Much Do Homes Contribute to Wildfire Suppression Costs? Evidence from Oregon and California
2012by: Ray Rasker, Kingsford Jones, Patricia GudeThis report examines the relation between housing and fire suppression costs based on case studies of Oregon and California. -
Columbus, OH, East Columbus Neighborhood Plan
Adopted April 2012This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a physically and demographically diverse neighborhood. -
Madison, WI, University Hill Farms Neighborhood Plan
Adopted January 2016This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a mid-century modern neighborhood. -
Lake Oswego, OR, Uplands Neighborhood Plan
Adopted May 2017This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a low-density neighborhood. -
Baltimore, MD, Forest Park HS and Calvin Rodwell School INSPIRE PLAN
Adopted February 2018This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a school-centric neighborhood. -
Baltimore, MD, Remington Neighborhood Plan
Adopted 2017This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a physically and demographically diverse neighborhood. -
Denver, CO, The Westwood Neighborhood Plan
Adopted July 2016This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a demographically diverse neighborhood. -
Hickory, NC, Green Pak Neighborhood Plan
Updated June 2017This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development and public investments in a neighborhood in transition.