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Telecommunications as Infrastructure: Managing Rights of Way and Municipal Infrastructure in the Age of Telecommunications and the Information Economy
2011by: Robert CiandellaThis law firm memorandum offers an outline on how municipalities can practically and comprehensively address telecommunications infrastructure issues. -
An Introduction to Design Guidelines
2001by: Ilene WatsonThis five-page article from the Planning Commissioners Journal summarizes the importance of design guidelines. -
Maryland Historic National Road Corridor Partnership Plan Update
2015These model design guidelines provide communities with a set of simple design guidelines for new development projects along a national historic byway.Maryland -
Beaverton, OR, Design Review Handbook
2005The guide provides an extensively illustrated set of design review concepts and examples and explains how the processes work.Beaverton, OR -
Seattle, WA, Design Review: General Information, Application Instructions, and Submittal Requirements
Client Assistance Memo 238, 2016This memo addresses the city's full and administrative design review processes.Seattle, WA -
Islamorada, FL, Administrative Design Review Standards Manual
2010This manual describes why and where design review is necessary and offers illustrated design standards and a definitions list.Islamorada, Village of Islands, FL -
Amherst, MA, Design Review Board Handbook
2009This guide offers a detailed application process checklist and provides illustrated design review principles and standards.Amherst town, MA -
Design Review Manual: A Guide for the Blackstone River Valley
2003This guide was written to help smaller communities establish design review processes to preserve historic community character in the face of rapid growth.Worcester County, MA -
Hawaii Transfer of Development Rights Statute
Revised Statutes §46-161 et seq., 1998by:Hawaii’s transfer of development rights statute authorizes counties to establish transfer of development rights programs to protect agricultural areas, scenic open lands, natural resources, sites and areas of historic or cultural significance, and sites of economic interest or value.Hawaii County, HI -
Planner’s Guide to Wetland Buffers for Local Governments
March 2008by: James McElfish, Rebecca Kihslinger, Sandra NicholsThis guide explores a variety of approaches used to protect wetland buffers. -
Delaware NEMO Guide to Natural Resource Based Planning
2005This guide provides information to help local governments identify natural areas to protect from development.Delaware -
Guidebook for Riparian Corridor Conservation
2006This guidebook highlights the importance of riparian corridors and provides recommendations for riparian corridor conservation.Montgomery County, PA -
Maryland Preparing a Sensitive Area Element for the Comprehensive Plan
Managing Maryland’s Growth: Models and Guidelines, 1993This guide provides technical information to protect environmentally sensitive areas.Maryland -
Maryland Sensitive Areas, Volume II
Managing Maryland’s Growth: Models and Guidelines, 1998This guide provides technical guidelines to protect environmentally sensitive areas.Maryland -
Maryland Critical Area Act
Annotated Code, §8-1801 et seq., 2009by:Maryland’s Critical Area Act designates the Chesapeake Bay, the Atlantic Coastal Bays, and tributaries as areas that need to be protected from adverse impacts related to human activities.Maryland -
Washington Minimum Guidelines to Classify Agriculture, Forest, Mineral Lands and Critical Areas
Administrative Code Chapter 365-190, 1990by: Washington State LegislatureWashington’s administrative code provides guidelines for counties and cities to designate environmentally sensitive areas, including forest lands, mineral resource lands, and critical areas.Washington -
Cedar Falls, IA, Environmentally Sensitive Land Survey
November 2007by: BonestrooThis report discusses options for protecting environmentally sensitive areas in Cedar Falls, Iowa.Cedar Falls, IA -
Brown County, WI, Shoreland Zone and Environmentally Sensitive Area Best Practices Report
2012by:This report highlights programs related to environmentally sensitive area protection in Brown County, Wisconsin.Brown County, WI -
Boulder, CO, Wetland and Stream Buffers: A Review of the Science and Regulatory Approaches to Protection
April 2007by: , Biohabitats, Inc.This report presents information on why wetland buffers should be protected and provides examples of how municipalities regulate these sensitive areas.Boulder, CO -
Overlay Zoning to Protect Surface Waters
Planning Commissioners Journal, Spring 2004by: Joel Russell, Land Use AttorneyThis article discusses why overlay zones are a useful tool for water resource protection. -
Growing Greener: Conservation Subdivision Design
Planning Commissioners Journal, Winter 1999by: Randall ArendtThis article explores subdivision design with a focus on protection of open space and natural areas. -
Overlay Zoning, Performance Standards, and Environmental Protection After Nollan
Environmental Affairs Law Review, 16(3): 615-659, 1989by: Robert BlackwellThis article explains shortcoming of traditional approaches to environmental protection and proposes that overlay zones are an adequate approach to protecting sensitive areas. -
A Framework for Evaluating Land Use Planning Alternatives: Protecting Biodiversity on Private Land
Conservation Ecology 6(1): 5, 2002by: David Theobald, N. HobbsThis article provides a framework to assess how critical habitats on private land are affected by local level planning alternatives. -
Critical Areas: The Importance (and Difficulty) of Knowing Where They Are
MRSC Insight Blog, July 18, 2017by: Greg WesselThis blog post documents how critical area identification has changed over time. -
San Diego, CA, Land Development Manual
2012by: ,This guide discusses development regulations and mitigation procedures related to environmentally sensitive areas in San Diego.San Diego, CA -
Ecologically-based Municipal Land Use Planning
January 2001by: William HonachefskyThis blog post presents ecologically based municipal land use planning as a method to balance growth and environmental protection. -
Environmental Best Management Practices for Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia
2004This guide discusses strategies and considerations for environmental protection and stewardship during land-use planning and development processes in British Columbia. -
The Conservation Subdivision Design Project: Booklet for Developing a Local Bylaw
2000by: Evan Belansky, Stacey JustusThis guide reviews the use of conservation subdivision design, focusing on why this method has been historically underused in Massachusetts. -
Small City Resource Manual
2016Chapter 10 of this guidebook introduces various policies that protect environmental areas in the state of Washington.Washington -
Conservation Design in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
November 2000This guide summarizes conservation design and reviews case examples of conservation subdivision design projects. -
Small Communities Critical Areas Ordinance Implementation Guidebook
2007This guide focuses on critical area ordinances that small communities in Washington State can use to protect environmentally sensitive areas.Washington -
Critical Areas Assistance Handbook: Protecting Critical Areas Within the Framework of the Washington Growth Management Act
2007This guide explores methods to protect critical areas in the state of Washington using regulatory and nonregulatory approaches.Washington -
Scottsdale, AZ, Citizen’s Guide to Environmentally Sensitive Lands
June 2004This guide summarizes components of the Scottsdale, Arizona environmentally sensitive land ordinance.Scottsdale, AZ -
Montgomery County, MD, Guidelines for Environmental Management of Development
January 2000This guide provides information on natural resources and protective measures in Montgomery County, Maryland.Montgomery County, MD -
Loveland, CO, Environmentally Sensitive Areas Report
June 2016This guide introduces requirements to the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Report, a required element for proposed developments that are near natural areas in Loveland, Colorado.Loveland, CO -
Three-Step Design Process for Open Space Subdivisions
January 2014This guide for open space subdivisions, or cluster developments, highlights a three step process for site development and open space preservation.Wisconsin -
Conservation Subdivision Handbook
2011by: Steve Allen, Susan Moore, Leslie MoormanThis guide introduces conservation subdivisions as an approach that can help protect North Carolina from loss of farmland and wildlife.North Carolina -
Model Environmental Ordinances
2004by: Carlisle/Wortman Associates, Inc.This collection of model ordinances for Macomb County, Michigan, includes provisions for specific environmental area types and regulatory tools.Macomb County, MI -
Natural Environmental Performance Standards
From Policy to Reality, Updated Model Ordinances for Sustainable Development, 2008by: Brian Ross, AICP, Diane DesotelleThis model ordinance provides a framework to help cities and counties in Minnesota draft performance standards for environmentally sensitive areas.Minnesota -
Model Critical Environmental Area Overlay District
2017by: Patricia BlackThis model ordinance provides a template to help communities in New York establish overlay districts that protect critical environmental areas.New York -
Model Natural Resources Conservation Ordinance
2012by: Amanda Pickle, Kacy Cook, Jeff MarcusThis model ordinance provides a template for communities who are interested in protecting sensitive natural resources. -
Low Impact Development Subdivision Ordinance
n.d.This model ordinance includes a section on protecting environmental resource areas, including rivers, steep slopes, wetlands, wooded areas, nonlinear water bodies, and prairies. -
Model Zoning Ordinance for Rural Cluster Development
2014This model ordinance provides a template for communities interested in preserving environmentally sensitive natural features using an overlay for rural cluster development, or open space subdivisions. -
Rosemount, MN, City Code
2017The city's zoning code protects environmentally sensitive areas and permits various types of solar energy systems.Rosemount, MN -
Cleveland, OH, City Planning Design Review: Design Review Applicant Guide
2015The guide offers a process flowchart; appendices include the design review application form, a submittal checklist, and more.Cleveland, OH -
Portland, OR, Ordinance No. 180379: Grant a Limited Right-of-Way Use Agreement to Verizon Wireless for Five Years for Mobile Telecommunications Services
2010This ordinance approves a limited right-of-way use agreement allowing Verizon Wireless to operate telecommunication system facilities for five years.Portland, OR -
Houston, TX, Master License Agreement for Wireless Facilities and Poles in the Right-of-Way
n.d.This document is a template for an agreement between the city and a corporation for installing small cell or DAS networks in the public right-of-way.Houston, TX -
Everett, WA, An Ordinance Granting a Telecommunications Franchise to Mobilitie Investments III, LLC
2015This proposed ordinance establishes a nonexclusive franchise agreement to let Mobilitie install small cells in the city ROW.Everett, WA -
Glendale, CA, Staff Report: Ordinance Regulating the Placement of Commercial Wireless Facilities in the City
Report to City Council, April 6, 2010This staff report discusses a proposed ordinance regulating the placement of commercial wireless facilities in the city.Glendale, CA -
Tactical Urbanism Volume 1: Short Term Action Long Term Change
2012by: Michael Lydon, Daniel Bartman, Ronald WoudstraThis report defines tactical urbanism and discusses a range of sanctioned and unsanctioned tactics.