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Fairburn, GA, Code of Ordinances
2017The city's land development code provides numerous standards related to mobile food truck operation, location, regulations, and inspection compliance. -
San Francisco, CA, Public Works Code
2017The city's public works code covers numerous policies and regulations related to food trucks. -
Murphy, TX, Code of Ordinances
2017The city's health and sanitation code and business code both address mobile food units. -
Springdale, AK, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s zoning ordinance includes a subsection on mobile vending. -
Portland, OR, Vending Carts on Private Property
2017This guide contains information to aid mobile vending operators in understanding the Building and Zoning code standards that are relevant to different types of vending carts. -
Sacramento County, CA, Development Code
Updated February 2021The county’s zoning code addresses urban agriculture. -
On the Go: Insights into Food Truck Regulation
February 2015by: Jessica HueyThis briefing paper from the Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation looks at regulatory reform over the past decade related to mobile food vending. -
Safety Harbor, FL, Land Development Code
Updated August 2021The city’s land development code provides supplementary district regulations for community gardens. -
Eating on the Go: Mobile Food Trucks
2012by: Elizabeth HumstoneThis article from Planning Commissioners Journal discusses the considerations a planner should cover when creating or amending local regulations related to mobile food trucks. -
Hungry Industry on Rolling Regulations: A Look at Food Truck Regulations in Cities Across the United States
2013by: Crystal WilliamsThis article from Maine Law Review documents the different approaches used by local government in regulating mobile food vending. -
Somerville, MA, Zoning Ordinances
Updated December 2019The city’s zoning code addresses urban agriculture. -
Madison, WI, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted August 2018This comprehensive plan belongs to the Autonomous Vehicles, Built Environment and Health, Smart Cities, Social Equity, and Urban Agriculture collections. -
Detroit, MI, Master Plan of Policies
2009This compendium of standalone policies include recommendations that support community gardens and urban farms. -
San Francisco, CA, Community Garden Policy
Adopted April 2006This standalone policy addresses community gardens in San Francisco, CA. -
Fitchburg, WI, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted 2009The city’s comprehensive plan includes several policy recommendations that support community gardens and urban farms. -
Philadelphia, PA, Land Bank’s Acquisition and Disposition Policies
Updated January 2020These standalone policies support community gardens in Philadelphia, PA, and govern the majority of transactions involving publicly-owned property. -
Vancouver, BC, Park Board Urban Agriculture Policy
2015This standalone policy addresses urban agriculture. -
Milford, DE, Code of Ordinances
Updated October 2021The city’s zoning code addresses urban agriculture. -
Victoria, BC, Community Gardens Policy
2016This standalone policy offers a statement of support for community gardening. -
Chula Vista, CA, Community Gardens Policy
Policy Number 2010-043, Adopted February 2010This standalone policy provides to the city manager the authority and guidance to implement and approve the use of city-owned vacant land not including parks to establish community gardens. -
Seattle, WA, P-Patch Community Gardening
Updated 2021This web page provides information and background on Seattle's P-Patch program, which is a national model for city-run community gardens. -
Saanich, BC, Community Gardens Policy
Policy 03/CW, March 2003This standalone policy addresses urban agriculture. -
Local Food Networks
2008by: Brian Ross, AICPThis model ordinance presents a template to help cities and counties in Minnesota draft regulations for a special zoning district to encourage local food production. -
Cumberland County, PA, Urban Agricultural Series: Community Gardens Model Ordinance
November 2014This model ordinance draws from several ordinances from around Pennsylvania and surrounding states to help address issues with regulating community gardens in urban areas. -
Establishing Land Use Protections for Community Gardens
March 2009This model document provides comprehensive plan and zoning language to help cities protect and expand community gardens. -
San Francisco, CA, Urban Agricultural Program
Updated 2018This web page offers resources to support urban agricultural in San Francisco, CA. -
Municipal Zoning for Local Foods in Iowa: A Guidebook for Reducing Local Regulatory Barriers to Local Foods
2012by: Gary Taylor, AICP, Andrea VaageThis guide provides information and sample zoning code language to help reduce barriers to and encourage urban agricultural activities in Iowa. -
Cultivating Community Gardens: The Role of Local Government in Creating Healthy, Livable Neighborhoods
2008This briefing paper offers case studies, best management practices, resources, and tools for policymakers to reduce barriers to and facilitate the creation of community garden programs. -
New York, NY, Green Thumb
Updated November 2021This web page offers a several resources for the city's more than 500 resident-run community gardens. -
Chicago, IL, Developing a New Community Garden
Updated 2021This web page provides several resources to promote community gardening in parks. -
Community Gardening: Policy Reference Guide
October 2017This guide provides an overview of legal and policy considerations for local governments and community members when implementing a community garden or related policy to improve food access and the overall health of the community. -
Vancouver, BC, Urban Agriculture Design Guidelines for the Private Realm
January 2009This guide provides information to support the design of urban agriculture installations within the city of Vancouver, BC. -
Pigs in the Backyard or the Barnyard: Removing Zoning Impediments to Urban Agriculture
Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 38(2): 537-566, 2011by: Kate VoigtThis article examines the impact of municipal zoning regulations on urban agriculture and presents recommendations of how zoning can help municipalities encourage urban agriculture. -
Growing Urban Agriculture: Equitable Strategies and Policies for Improving Access to Healthy Food and Revitalizing Communities
2012by: Allison Hagey, Solana Rice, Rebecca FlournoyThis report examines how urban farming can help communities by improving access to healthy food, improving economic health, and helping to revitalize communities. -
Farming Inside Cities: Entrepreneurial Urban Agriculture in the United States
2000by: Martin Bailkey, Jerry KaufmanThis report investigates the nature and characteristics of for-market farming within urban areas. -
Urban Agriculture in the United States: Baseline Findings of a Nationwide Survey
November 2016by: Andy Pressman, Lydia Oberholtzer, Carolyn DimitriThis briefing paper explores the potential of urban agriculture to support local food systems. -
Vacant Lots to Vibrant Plots: A Review of the Benefits and Limitations of Urban Agriculture
May 2016by: Anne Palmer, Brent Kim, Raychel SantoThis report provides an overview of the socio-cultural, health, environmental, and economic development outcomes of urban agriculture. -
Urban Agriculture: A Sixteen City Survey of Urban Agriculture Practices Across the Country
2011by: Mindy Goldstein, Jennifer Bellis, Sarah MorseThis report summarizes the state of urban agriculture in 16 major U.S. cities. -
Savannah, GA, Code of Ordinances
Updated October 2019This regulation belongs to the Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Historic Preservation, and Urban Livestock collections. -
Stillwater, MN, Code of Ordinances
2017The city code's animals chapter addresses the keeping of bees on single-family and some two-family properties. -
Skokie, IL, Code of Ordinances
2017The village code's animal chapter was amended in 2013 to address residential beekeeping. -
Orange County, NC, Unified Development Ordinance
Adopted 2011, amended through 2017The county’s unified development ordinance addresses agritourism through provisions for rural special events. -
Sterling, IL, Code of Ordinances
2017The city code's animal chapter includes a section on miniature potbellied pigs. -
Jacksonville, FL, Code of Ordinances
2017The city's zoning code was amended in 2015 to allow chicken keeping in certain zoning districts and addresses other livestock as well. -
La Cañada Flintridge, CA, Zoning Code
2017The city's zoning code includes a chapter on animal keeping in residential zones. -
Lawton, OK, Municipal Code
Updated February 2022The city code's animal chapter allows the keeping of large and small animals other than cats and dogs as well as bees. -
Grand Prairie, TX, Code of Ordinances
2017The city code's animal chapter establishes requirements for keeping livestock and fowl. -
Gulfport, FL, Code of Ordinances
2016The city code's animal chapter was amended in 2009 to allow the keeping of up to 10 chickens on properties within the city. -
Manatee County, FL, Code of Ordinances
2017The county code's animal chapter was amended in 2013 to address the keeping of chickens on residential property.