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Chesapeake, VA, Design Guidelines Manual
2007This manual provides design guidelines for mixed use and infill development in several overlay districts within the city.Chesapeake, VA -
Kalamazoo, MI, Downtown Design Review Standards and Guidelines: New Construction, Existing Buildings, Streetscape
2012This document provides both standards and guidelines for projects within the city's downtown.Kalamazoo, MI -
Northborough, MA, Design Guidelines
2012These design guidelines apply to nonresidential and multifamily structures in the town's business and downtown neighborhood districts.Northborough town, MA -
Greenville, SC, Design Guidelines for the Central Business District
2000This set of design guidelines for the city's central business district complements guidelines for historic preservation overlay districts.Greenville, SC -
Ottawa, IL, Design Review Guidelines – C-4 Zoning
2003, updated 2015These design guidelines for the city's C-4 downtown zoning district were developed as part of the downtown master plan process.Ottawa, IL -
Kirkland, WA, Design Guidelines for Pedestrian-Oriented Business Districts
2004, updated 2012These design guidelines are used for administrative design review and full project review by the city's Design Review Board.Kirkland, WA -
McHenry, IL, Downtown Design Guidelines
2004These design guidelines seek to maintain the traditional historic character of the downtown overlay district.McHenry, IL -
Steamboat Springs, CO, Municipal Code
2016The city’s community development code permits multiple types of marijuana-related uses either by right or with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards.Steamboat Springs, CO -
Arcata, CA, Municipal Code
2017The city’s land use code permits medical marijuana cooperatives with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards, and also includes a special zoning overlay for medical marijuana manufacturing and cultivation.Arcata, CA -
Glendale, AZ, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s zoning code permits multiple types of medical-marijuana-related uses by right, subject to use-specific standards.Glendale, AZ -
Union Gap, WA, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s zoning code permits multiple types of marijuana-related uses by right, subject to use-specific standards.Union Gap, WA -
Buckley, WA, Municipal Code
2017The city’s zoning code permits multiple medical- and recreational-marijuana-related uses by right, subject to use-specific standards.Buckley, WA -
San Francisco, CA, Urban Forest Plan
Adopted 2014The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees.San Francisco, CA -
San Diego, CA, Urban Forestry Program: Five Year Plan
Adopted 2017The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations that prioritize canopy expansion to mitigate the effects of climate change.San Diego, TX -
Santa Monica, CA, Urban Forest Master Plan
Adopted 2011The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees.Santa Monica, CA -
Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh Urban Forest Master Plan
Adopted 2012The city’s urban forest plan includes multiple case examples of successful urban forest programs and funding mechanisms.Pittsburgh, PA -
Tukwila, WA, Comprehensive Plan
Updated 2015The city’s comprehensive plan includes extensive urban forestry policy recommendations.Tukwila, WA -
NUCFAC Ten-Year Urban Forestry Action Plan
Adopted 2015This functional plan, commissioned by the U.S. Forest Service, is intended to function as a framework local governments can look to when considering their own urban forestry plans and targets. -
Olive Branch, MS, Code of Ordinances
2016The city's code of ordinances establishes a design review process for commercial, industrial, and multifamily nonresidential development within the city.Olive Branch, MS -
Fircrest, WA, Municipal Code
2017The city's land development code establishes an administrative design review process and provides design guidelines.Fircrest, WA -
St. Charles, IL, City Code
2017The city's zoning code establishes design review as an administrative staff-level review process and provides both design standards and guidelines.St. Charles, IL -
Laguna Beach, CA, Municipal Code
2017The city's zoning code addresses design review.Laguna Beach, CA -
San Juan Capistrano, CA, Design Guidelines
2003The city's architectural design guidelines focus on respecting the natural environment and characteristics of the site.San Juan Capistrano, CA -
Paso Robles, CA, Industrial Design Guidelines
2005These design guidelines apply to site and building design for all manufacturing, storage, and wholesale uses.El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles), CA -
Brookfield, CT, Design Guidelines and Standards Manual: Incentive Housing Zone and Town Center District
2014These design guidelines apply within the town's Town Center District and overlay Incentive Housing Zone.Brookfield town, CT -
Farragut, TN, Ordinance 15-03: Farragut Architectural Design Standards
2015This document provides site design and building design guidelines for the town, specific subareas, and signs.Farragut, TN -
Big Sky, MT, Town Center Design Standards and Guidelines
2015These extensive design guidelines for the town center were created by the Town Center Owners Association.Big Sky, MT -
Wenatchee, WA, Municipal Code
2018The city’s fire code includes extensive standards for the wildland-urban interface. It discusses the standards for building design and construction for all new structures and additions developed adjacent to the designated wildland-urban interface boundary.Wenatchee, WA -
Plainfield, IN, Residential Design Guidelines
2008These design guidelines are intended to address issues of monotony and poor design in residential subdivisions.Plainfield, IN -
Kirkwood, MO, A Guideline for Residential Architectural Review
2011The design guidelines are based on a framework of “preferred” and “discouraged” elements for buildings.Kirkwood, MO -
Charles County, MD, Architectural and Site Design Guidelines and Standards
2005These design guidelines address single-family residential, commercial/industrial development, and planned development zones.Charles County, MD -
Sacramento, CA, Citywide Design Guidelines
1998 - 2012The city offers several sets of citywide design guidelines that address site planning and building design.Sacramento, CA -
Fremont, CA, Multifamily Design Guidelines
2013The city's design guidelines for multifamily development are extensively illustrated and include a glossary.Fremont, CA -
Natrona County, WY, Zoning Resolution
2017The county’s zoning code includes a special Mountain/Wildfire Safety overlay district. It addresses requirements related to vegetative management, defensible space/fire safety, and fuel breaks.Natrona County, WY -
Temecula, CA, City Wide Design Guidelines
2005The city's design guidelines apply to all new construction or remodeling of structures.Temecula, CA -
Richland, WA, Municipal Code
2018Richland’s building code includes special requirements for wildland areas related to building/structure design and construction.Richland, WA -
Santa Ana, CA, Citywide Design Guidelines
2006The city's design guidelines provide consistent and comprehensive design guidance for development within the city.Santa Ana, CA -
San Luis Obispo County, CA, Countywide Design Guidelines
1998The county's design guidelines apply to the unincorporated communities are rural areas of the county.San Luis Obispo County, CA -
Boulder County, CO, Community Protection Plan
2011This CWPP's purpose is effective wildfire management in order to save lives and property. It aims to build community strength, reduce the negative impacts of wildfires, and restore forest health, of Boulder County, Colorado.Boulder County, CO -
Newburgh, NY, Design Guidelines
2007These design guidelines were developed to assist in implementation of the town’s 2007 comprehensive plan.Newburgh town, NY -
Meridian, ID, Architectural Standards
2016This manual replaced the prior design manual in 2016 to free the design review process from subjectivity and confusing requirements.Meridian, ID -
Naperville, IL, Building Design Guidelines
2007These design guidelines for citywide application to nonresidential and mixed use development were developed with public input.Naperville, IL -
Yakima County, WA, Community Wildfire Protection Plan
2008This CWPP aims to reduce the threat of wildfires to community and unique ecosystems in Yakima County of Washington State.Yakima County, WA -
Teller County, CO, Community Wildfire Protection Plan Update
2011This CWPP is a broad scale plan establishing new wildfire protection priorities, and evaluates changes pertaining to the mitigation and education efforts in Teller County, Colorado.Teller County, CO -
Stillwater, MN, Design Manual For Commercial Historic District
1989, updated 2006This design manual offers guidelines that preserve the historic and pedestrian character of the city's downtown.Stillwater city, MN -
San Marcos, TX, Downtown Design Guidelines
2012These design guidelines supplement the city's downtown SmartCode.San Marcos, TX -
Davis, CA, Davis Downtown and Traditional Residential Neighborhoods Design Guidelines
2001, revised 2007These guidelines were developed through a community-based process.Davis, CA -
Cedar Falls, IA, Design Guidelines to Enhance the Downtown Historical District
n.d.These detailed design guidelines for the downtown district were developed by the city's Community Main Street Design Committee.Cedar Falls city, IA -
Grand Forks, ND, Downtown Design Guidelines
n.d.These design guidelines for the city's downtown area are intended to preserve and enhance existing historic character.Grand Forks city, ND