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Cleveland, OH, Code of Ordinances
Updated September 2021These regulations belong to the Creative Placemaking, Food Systems, Food Trucks, Urban Agriculture, Urban Livestock, and Wind Energy collections. -
Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge Parish, LA, Code of Ordinances
Updated August 2021This consolidated city’s codified ordinance belongs to the Shared Mobility and Urban Livestock collections. -
Clearwater, FL, Code of Ordinances
Updated September 2021This city's codified ordinance belongs to the Food Systems, Shared Mobility, and Urban Livestock collections. -
Batavia, IL, City Code
2017The city's animal control ordinance allows up to 8 hens on single-family residential and school properties. -
Buffalo, NY, Municipal Code
2017The city's property maintenance code was amended in 2009 to allow for keeping chicken hens in residential districts with a license. -
Beaverton, OR, City Code
Updated October 2021The city code's public protection title allows for urban chicken-keeping on single-family residential parcels of at least 5,000 SF. -
Beloit, WI, Code of Ordinances
2017The city's property maintenance code includes an ordinance regulating the keeping of chickens within the city. -
Chattanooga, TN, Code of Ordinances
Updated October 2021These regulations belong to the Complete Streets and Urban Agriculture collections. -
Berkeley, CA, General Plan
Adopted April 2001The city’s general plan includes several policy recommendations that support community gardens and urban farms. -
Seeding the City: Land Use Policies to Promote Urban Agriculture
October 2011by: Heather Wooten, Amy AckermanThis toolkit belongs to the Food Systems, Urban Agriculture and Urban Livestock collections. -
Alachua County, FL, County Code
Updated February 2022The county's Unified Land Development Code addresses the noncommercial raising of poultry or livestock on parcels less than five acres. -
Lancaster, PA, City Code
2016The city’s general legislation code classifies mobile food vending under restaurants, and contains detailed regulations related to mobile food operations. -
Schaumburg, IL, Policy Manual
2017The village's policy manual includes a policy statement establishing a community bee garden on village-owned land. -
Food Producing Animals (FPA) Suggested Care Practices and Local Resources: Chickens, Ducks, and Goats
n.d.This local guide from Denver, CO, describes important considerations for residents before they decide to get backyard chickens, ducks, or goats. -
Fort Worth, TX, Code of Ordinances
Updated July 2018These regulations belong to the Food Truck, Home Occupations, and Tree Preservation and the Urban Forest collections. -
A Food Systems Assessment for Oakland, California: Toward a Sustainable Food Plan
2006by: Serena Unger, Heather WootenThis assessment provides a comprehensive evaluation and baseline information on each element of the city's food system. -
Seattle, WA, Resolution 31019: Local Food Action Initiative
2008This city council resolution lists 10 goals to provide guidance for analysis and development of the region’s food system. -
Cultivating Resilience: A Food System Blueprint that Advances the Health of Iowans, Farms and Communities
2011by: Angela Tagtow, Susan RobertsThe report rates Iowa's food system as "poor" and offers 14 sets of recommendations for action for five food systems sectors. -
Know Before You Grow: Understanding Site Risks for Garden and Growing Activities
EPA-560-F-21-201, October 2021This fact sheet provides information on how to assess soils for urban gardening to determine whether the lot is a brownfield and the level of soil contamination. -
New York, NY, Food Forward NYC: A 10-Year Food Policy Plan
September 2022This food system policy plan is a policy framework that is aimed at improving the equitability, sustainability, and heath of New York City’s food system by 2031. -
Brownfields and Urban Agriculture: Interim Guidelines for Safe Gardening Practices
2011This guide provides information and recommendations to help with developing safe urban agriculture projects on former brownfield sites. -
San Mateo County, CA, Urban Agriculture Guide
May 2020This guide provides information to help support urban agriculture in San Mateo County, CA. -
Farmland Access in Urban Settings
2018by: Johanna Rosen, Kathryn Ruhf, Bob WagnerThis briefing paper addresses land access and tenure challenges for urban farming. -
Does Urban Agriculture Improve Food Security? Examining the Nexus of Food Access and Distribution of Urban Produced Foods in the United States: A Systematic Review
Sustainability, 10(9): 1-27, 2018by: Alana Siegner, Jennifer Sowerwine, Charisma AceyThis article explores the impact of urban food production on community food security. -
Bridgeport, CT, Cultivating Community: An Urban Agriculture Master Plan for Bridgeport
Adopted June 2019This functional plan presents a community vision and policy recommendations to support urban agriculture in Bridgeport, CT. -
Healthy Soil for Urban Farm Production: Building from Scratch
Cornell Small Farms Program, January 11, 2021by: Kyle RittenburgThis blog post explores the challenges and opportunities of turning vacant or underutilized land into productive farmland. -
Food Policy: Urban Farming as a Supplemental Food Source
Journal of Social Change, 8(1): 1-13, 2016by: Bessie DiDomenica, Mark GordonThis article explores urban agriculture's potential of contributing to the urban food system. -
Troup County, GA, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s zoning ordinance includes supplemental regulations that address rural and agritourism development. -
Woodford County, KY, Zoning Ordinance
2017The county’s zoning ordinance permits agritourism-related uses in the Agricultural district. -
Washington Township, MI, Zoning Ordinance
Updated June 2021The township’s zoning ordinance establishes agricultural tourism provisions to maintain and encourage local farming -
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, NC, Unified Development Ordinance
2016The city/county's zoning code allows agricultural tourism uses in the conservation and agricultural districts with a zoning permit. -
Vergennes, MI, Zoning Ordinance
2017The township’s zoning ordinance allows agritourism businesses as special exception uses. -
Horry County, SC, Code of Ordinances
Updated January 2019These regulations belong to the Agritourism and Tiny Houses and Micro-Apartments collections. -
Larimer County, CO, Land Use Code
2018The county’s land use code provides detailed standards for agritourism uses and authorizes transfer of development rights for the preservation of open land and balanced future growth. -
El Dorado County, CA, Code of Ordinances
2018The county’s zoning code addresses agritourism through on-site produce sales and "ranch marketing" uses. -
Jefferson County, WA, Municipal Code
2017The county’s unified development code addresses agritourism. -
Dinwiddie County, VA, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s zoning ordinance addresses agritourism within an article on agricultural operations. -
Gray, ME, Zoning Ordinance
2013The town’s zoning ordinance defines and provides standards for agritourism. -
Calvert County, MD, Zoning Ordinance
2018The county’s zoning ordinance addresses agritourism in a section on Agritourism, Ecotourism, and Heritage Tourism Uses and Definitions. -
Malta, NY, Code of Ordinances
2017The town’s zoning code addresses agritourism through an Agricultural Protection Overlay District that allows those uses. -
New River Valley, VA, Agriculture and Agritourism Strategic Plan
2016This agritourism strategic plan examines both agribusiness and agritourism. -
Sacramento County, CA, General Plan
Adopted 1993, amended 2011 & 2017The county’s general plan addresses agricultural tourism in the agricultural and economic development elements. -
Sutter County, CA, General Plan
Adopted March 29, 2011The county addresses agritourism in the Agricultural Resources chapter of its general plan. -
Thurston County, WA, Amend Development Code to Create an Agri-Tourism Overlay District and Permit Wineries and Breweries in Specific Areas of Rural Thurston County
December 7, 2011This staff report notes planning commission concerns about creating an agritourism overlay district within the county. -
St. Charles County, MO, Agri-Tourism Land Use Plan
August 2012This master plan amendment addresses agritourism uses in the southwestern portion of the county. -
Broome County, NY, Agricultural Economic Development Plan
2001This agricultural economic development plan proposes an agricultural tourism initiative in concert with other economic development strategies to promote the county’s agricultural industry. -
Sonoma County, CA, Agricultural Tourism
June 19, 2002This staff report includes a draft of a white paper on policies and regulation of agricultural tourism. -
Lake County, CA, General Plan
2008The county’s general plan addresses agricultural tourism in its Agricultural Resources element. -
Hunterdon County, NJ, Environmental Toolbox
2002This collection of model ordinances includes one that addresses on-farm markets and farm stands that directly market farm products to the public.