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Huntington, NY, Town Code
Updated May 2019This regulation belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities and Green Building collections. -
Community-Centered Solutions for Aging at Home
Evidence Matters, Fall 2013by: Office of Policy Development and ResearchThis article discusses two programs that have helped older adults age in place, naturally occurring retirement community supportive services programs (NORC SSPs) and the Village model. -
Lower Paxton Township, PA, Township Code
Updated May 2019The township’s zoning code creates a Residential-Retirement Development (RRD) option to promote mixed-use development, designed to accommodate the needs of a growing population of older adults. -
Perris, CA, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2019The city’s zoning code establishes a senior housing overlay zone (SHO) to incentivize the development of accessible, mixed-use senior housing. -
Howard County, MD, Zoning Regulations
Updated August 2018The county’s zoning code establishes a Residential: Senior-Institutional (R-SI) District and a Planned Senior Community (PSC) District to permit age-restricted housing. -
Franklin, TN, Code of Ordinances
Updated March 2019The city’s zoning code mandates universal design standards for affordable, workforce, or moderately priced housing that receives financial assistance from the city. -
Clayton, CA, Municipal Code
Updated May 2019The city’s zoning code includes provisions on universal design. -
Bolingbrook, IL, Municipal Code
Updated May 2018The city’s zoning code regulates visitability standards for single family and attached single family homes. -
Rural Voices: Affordable Rural Senior Housing
Rural Voices, Winter 2011/2012by: The Housing Assistance CouncilThis magazine includes several articles related to the unique challenges of maintaining affordable senior housing in a rural context. -
Babylon, NY, Town Code
Updated February 2019This regulation belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities, Form-Based Zoning, Green Building, and Transit-Oriented Development collections. -
Preserving Affordability and Access in Livable Communities: Subsidized Housing Opportunities Near Transit and the 50+ Population
September 2009by: Rodney Harrell, Allison Brooks, Todd NedwickThis report belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities and Transit-Oriented Development collections. -
Aging and Disability: Implications for the Housing Industry and Housing Policy in the United States
Journal of the American Planning Association, 74(3): 289-306, 2008by: Stanley Smith, Stefan Rayer, Eleanor SmithThis JAPA article projects the number of households with at least one disabled resident due to population growth and aging and highlights the need for more accessible housing. -
Aging in Place: Facilitating Choice and Independence
Evidence Matters, Fall 2013by: Office of Policy Development and ResearchThis article describes the need for more accessible and affordable housing in order to allow older adults to age in place. -
Residential Futures II: Thought-Provoking Ideas on What’s Next for Multigenerational Housing and Intergenerational Communities
2014by: Lynn RossThis report explores the emerging trend of intergenerational community and multigenerational housing. -
Bloomington, IL, Bring It On, Bloomington!
Adopted August 2015This city's comprehensive plan belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities, Comprehensive Planning, and Food Systems collections. -
Placer County, CA, County Code
Updated March 2019The county’s zoning code permits multi-generational housing by administrative review permit. -
Laguna Niguel, CA, Code of Ordinances
Updated January 2019The city’s zoning code designates a Senior Managed Care Overlay District (SMC), which may be applied to base districts ranging from residential to industrial. -
Santa Rosa, CA, Code of Ordinances
Updated May 2019The city’s zoning code protects scenic roads through scenic road combining districts. -
Lafayette, CA, Code of Ordinances
Updated October 2018The city’s land use and planning code designates a Senior Housing Overlay District in order to promote senior housing in the underlying residential, business, and commercial districts. -
Equitable Development Principles & Scorecard
Updated 2022This guide was designed to facilitate community visioning, project assessment, evaluation, and policy creation. -
West Hollywood, CA, Aging in Place, Aging in Community: Five Year Strategic Plan 2016-2020
Adopted 2014The city’s functional plan outlines an aging in place strategy, which builds on its perceived strengths, and focuses on issues particular to its community. -
St. Louis County, MO, Age-Friendly Community Action Plan
Adopted June 2015This functional plan recommends age-friendly interventions in four focus areas: Health & Wellbeing, Social & Civic Engagement, Mobility & Accessibility, and Attractive & Safe Neighborhoods. -
Edmonton, AB, Vision for an Age Friendly Edmonton Action Plan
Adopted Spring 2011The city’s functional plan for seniors includes innovative goals and a fund for non-profit innovation. -
Alexandria, VA, The Alexandria of Our Future: A Livable Community for All Ages
Adopted June 2018This functional plan addresses social participation and respect, housing, transportation, communications, community and health services, and civic engagement and employment. -
Suffolk County, NY, Model Universal Design Incentive Local Ordinance
March 2010This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in Suffolk County, New York, improve accessibility through universal design incentives. -
Upper Dublin Township, PA, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted November 2010The township's comprehensive plan calls out transportation and housing as two areas of concern for meeting the needs of the city’s changing demographics. -
New York City, NY, Age Friendly NYC
Adopted 2009The city’s functional plan addresses the unique aspects of planning for an aging population in a very large city. -
Boulder County, CO, A Plan to Create Vibrant Communities
Adopted June 2015The county’s functional plan is the result of an ongoing survey of 200 older adults in the county. -
Pima County, AZ, Pima Prospers: Comprehensive Plan Initiative
Adopted 2017The county’s comprehensive plan includes a Housing and Community Design section that addresses the need to “create livable, viable, multi-generational communities.” -
Holland Township, NJ, Township Code
Updated December 2018This regulation belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities and Solar Energy collections. -
Southampton, NY, Municipal Code
Updated April 2019This regulation belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities and Solar Energy collections. -
Daytona Beach, FL, Land Development Code
Updated May 2019The city’s land development code includes sign regulations amended in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert. -
Where Will the Baby Boomers Go? Planning and Zoning for an Aging Population
Real Estate Law Journal, 32: 181–195, 2003by: Patricia SalkinThis article introduces the demographic changes and resulting housing challenges that will require planners to be more responsive to the needs of older adults. -
Livable New York: Sustainable Communities for All Ages
August 2012This guide, part of the Livable New York project, is a comprehensive overview of age-friendly concepts and strategies for local officials. -
The Maturing of America: Communities Moving Forward for an Aging Population
2011This report is a follow-up to a previous report that outlines various actions that communities are taking to better provide for an aging demographic. -
Huntington Woods, MI, Housing Options for an Aging Population
Adopted March 2016The city’s functional plan is written for a suburban community that is planning to encourage and enable aging in place. -
Orange County, NC, Master Aging Plan, 2017-2022
Adopted 2017This functional plan sets eight goals in line with the WHO’s eight domains of livability, along with corresponding objectives, strategies, and indicators. -
HCD Model Universal Design Local Ordinance (AB 2787)
October 2005This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in California improve accessibility through universal design standards. -
Snellville, GA, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2019The city’s zoning code designates residential housing for older persons (R-HOP) districts. -
Briarcliff Manor, NY, Municipal Code
Updated July 2018The village’s zoning code designates an Eldercare Community District. -
Massapequa Park, NY, Municipal Code
Updated November 2018The village’s zoning code designates a Golden Age District that aims to provide affordable housing proximate to facilities, services, and transportation. -
Expanding Implementation of Universal Design and Visitability Features in the Housing Stock
Insight on the Issues 121, 2017by: Emily Salomon, Shannon Guzman, Janet ViveirosThis briefing paper discusses universal design and visitability features as important aspects of an age-friendly community. -
A record 64 million Americans live in multigenerational households
April 2018This blog post outlines findings by Pew Research on the demographics of multigenerational households. -
Cohousing for Older Adults
Fact Sheet 175, March 2010by: Keith WardripThis fact sheet begins by defining co-housing—an arrangement where “intentional neighborhoods” are created with shared ownership—and observes its trend among seniors in certain states. -
The Village: A Growing Option for Aging in Place
Fact Sheet 177, March 2010by: Jean AcciusThis fact sheet explains an aging in place measure: “The Village.” -
Aging in Place and Smart Growth
November 2005This fact sheet explains aging in place from a Smart Growth perspective, and lists challenges and solutions -
AARP Public Policy Institute: Livable Communities
Updated 2019This web page contains resources from AARP’s Public Policy Institute related to Livable Communities. -
Center for Universal Design
2008by: North Carolina State UniversityThis web page includes links to resources that explain universal design principles. -
Lifelong Communities Handbook: Creating Opportunities for Lifelong Living
2012This guide includes a checklist of interventions designed to further the goals of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Lifelong Communities Initiative at the building, street, community, and regional scale. -
Loudoun County, VA, Revised General Plan
Updated September 2018This comprehensive plan belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities and Outdoor Lighting collections.