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Chapel Hill, NC, Design Guidelines for Downtown Chapel Hill
1998These guidelines help maintain the character of the downtown area in the preparation, review, and approval of plans.Chapel Hill, NC -
Ocean City, MD, Downtown Design Guidelines
2006These design guidelines apply to all land within the downtown district and act as an overlay to six new zoning districts.Ocean City, MD -
Laramie, WY, Design Guidelines for Historic Downtown Laramie
2007These design guidelines for the city's downtown commercial district were developed as part of the city's Main Street program.Laramie, WY -
Salem, OR, Revised Code
2017The city’s code contains two sections that establish requirements for tree preservation, planting, and maintenance for public and private property.Salem, OR -
Rehoboth Beach, DE, City Code
2017The city’s tree code establishes tree preservation, planting, and maintenance requirements for public and private property.Rehoboth Beach, DE -
Rosemount, MN, 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Adopted 2009The city’s comprehensive plan provides information to guide land use, natural resource protection and water management practices within the Mississippi River Corridor.Rosemount, MN -
Sussex County, DE, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted June 2008The county’s comprehensive plan includes a conservation element to protect natural areas, including wetlands, waterways, beaches, upland forests, farmland, and meadows.Sussex County, DE -
Rockville, MD, 2002 Comprehensive Master Plan
Adopted 2002The city’s comprehensive plan includes a chapter addressing environmentally sensitive area protection.Rockville, MD -
Woodinville, WA, 2015 Comprehensive Plan
Adopted 2015The city’s comprehensive plan includes policy statements that protect environmentally sensitive areas.Woodinville, WA -
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Regional Plan
Updated 2012The county’s regional plan includes policy statements that aim to protect of environmentally sensitive lands.Washoe County, NV -
Anne Arundel County, MD, 2009 General Development Plan
Adopted April 2009The county’s comprehensive development plan includes guidelines for environmentally sensitive area protection.Anne Arundel County, MD -
Carlsbad, CA, Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad
Adopted 2004The city’s habitat management plan includes guidance to protect habitats and sensitive biological resources through a preserve system.Carlsbad, CA -
Lacey, WA, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted August 2016The city’s comprehensive plan incorporates Growth Management Act requirements to protect natural resource, critical areas, habitat conservation areas, and shorelines.Lacey, WA -
Blacksburg, VA, Comprehensive Plan
Updated 2016The town’s comprehensive plan includes guidelines for conservation, protection, and preservation of various environmentally sensitive areas.Blacksburg, VA -
Cocoa Beach, FL, 2025 Comprehensive Plan
Adopted August 2015The city’s comprehensive plan includes a conservation element to protect natural ecosystems and resources.Cocoa Beach, FL -
Spokane County, WA Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s environmental code aims to protect critical areas and incorporates mitigation requirements in accordance with state regulation and the county’s comprehensive planSpokane County, WA -
Portland, ME, Portland’s Plan 2030
Adopted June 2017The city’s comprehensive plan contains state and local goals to protect natural resources.Portland city, ME -
Dane, WI, Dane County Comprehensive Plan
Updated 2016The county’s comprehensive plan includes a discussion on preservation and restoration of natural resources.Dane County, WI -
Sartell, MN, Zoning Ordinance
2010The city’s zoning code aims to protect environmentally sensitive areas and to incentivize landowners to protect sensitive areas.Sartell, MN -
Mendon, NY, Town Code
2014The town’s zoning code includes environmental protection overlay districts to regulate open space, protect natural resources, and to enhance resident safety.Mendon town, NY -
Morro Bay, CA, Code of Ordinances
2016The city’s zoning code protects environmental features through environmentally sensitive habitat overlay zones.Morro Bay, CA -
Sandy, UT, Land Development Code
2017The city’s land development code contains standards, guidelines, and criteria for a sensitive area overlay zone.Sandy, UT -
Penfield, NY, Zoning Ordinance
2014The town’s zoning code uses environmental protection overlay districts to protect sensitive environmental areas.Penfield town, NY -
Scio, MI, Zoning Ordinance
2016The town’s zoning code aims to balance land use and protection of natural resources.Scio township, MI -
Monterey County, CA, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s zoning code includes development standards for environmentally sensitive habitats.Monterey County, CA -
Mendocino County, CA, Code of Ordinances
2017The county’s zoning code includes provisions to protect environmentally sensitive habitats in coastal zones.Mendocino County, CA -
Clark County, WA, County Code
2017The county’s unified development code protects environmental features though habitat conservation regulation, wetland protection measures, and a shoreline master program.Clark County, WA -
Cowlitz County, WA, County Code
2017The county’s environmental protection code aims to protect critical areas while maintaining private property rights and balancing economic development.Cowlitz County, WA -
Hood River County, OR, Zoning Ordinance
2017The county’s zoning code includes multiple districts to protect and restore environmentally sensitive areas.Hood River County, OR -
Draper, UT, Municipal Code
2017The city’s land use and development code aims to reduce the impact of flooding, erosion, and natural hazards by applying a hillside sensitive lands overlay zone.Draper, UT -
Clifton Park, NY, Town Code
2016The town’s zoning code includes a Land Conservation District that protects wetlands, streams, and floodplains.Clifton Park town, NY -
Grafton, WI, Municipal Code
2017The village’s zoning code requires all new development to satisfy natural resource protection standards.Grafton, WI -
Half Moon Bay, CA, Municipal Code
2017The city’s zoning code identifies resource areas and sensitive habitats along the coast.Half Moon Bay, CA -
Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA, Municipal Code
2017The city’s zoning code includes an overlay district to protect environmentally sensitive habitat areas.Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA -
Carpinteria, CA, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s zoning code protects environmentally sensitive habitat areas through an overlay district that changes requirements for developments in sensitive areas.Carpinteria, CA -
Rowlett, TX, Code of Ordinances
Updated March 2018The city's subdivision and land development code prohibits homeowners associations from prohibiting or unreasonably restricting the use of solar or wind energy systems through CC&Rs.Rowlett, TX -
Environmentally Sensitive Area Planning in Ontario, Canada
Journal of the American Planning Association, 47(3): 313-323, 2007by: Paul EaglesThis article discusses policy implementation for environmentally sensitive area regulation in Ontario. -
Design Review Reviewed Administrative versus Discretionary Methods
Journal of the American Planning Association, 65(1): 424-433, 2007by: Jack Nasar, Peg NoneThis article compared the outcomes of discretionary design review to administrative appearance controls. -
San Bruno, CA, Municipal Code
Updated April 2018The city's zoning code permits solar energy systems that comply with regulations, and includes a solar access provision in its public nuisance ordinance.San Bruno, CA -
Royal Oak, MI, Municipal Code
Updated March 2018The city's zoning code permits accessory solar energy systems in all districts subject to standards, and allows commercial solar energy systems as a special land use in the general industrial district.Royal Oak, MI -
Guide to Solar Energy Permits
Updated May 2012This guide provides an overview of city permit requirements for residential solar hot water and PV systems.Sacramento, CA -
Sahuarita, AZ, Town Code
Updated April 2018The town code includes some solar site protections and requires mitigation of solar equipment's visual impacts.Sahuarita, AZ -
Salida, CO, Municipal Code
Updated March 2018The city's land use code encourages solar orientation and solar access protections in single-family subdivisions.Salida, CO -
Salisbury, MA, Town Bylaws
Updated October 2017The town's zoning bylaw promotes the creation of large-scale solar PV installations by providing standards for their installation.Salisbury town, MA -
San Carlos, CA, Municipal Code
Updated January 2018The city's subdivision regulations address solar design requirements, and the zoning code offers a bonus FAR incentive for solar panels and other green building measures in mixed use districts.San Carlos, CA -
Ventura, CA, 2005 General Plan
Adopted August 2005The Natural Resources and Planning and Design chapters of this general plan include policies and action items that address solar.San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA -
San Luis Obispo, CA, General Plan
Updated May 2015The Conservation and Open Space chapter of the city's general plan promotes solar energy use through several goals, policies, and requirements.San Luis Obispo, CA -
San Gabriel, CA, Municipal Code
Updated December 2017The city's building regulations provide installation standards for solar energy collectors, and the zoning regulations support passive solar design opportunities.San Gabriel, CA -
San Miguel County, CO, Land Use Code
Updated May 2016The county's land use code includes design standards and requirements for solar energy in several districts.San Miguel County, CO -
Santa Barbara, CA, Climate Action Plan
Adopted September 2012The city's climate action plan calls for solar energy system installations and adoption of a solar access ordinance and solar design guidelines.Santa Barbara, CA