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Asking is Better Than Assuming: Enhancing the Work of Wildfire Practitioners with Social Science
Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network Blog, March 29, 2018This blog post provides information on the Wildfire Research Center’s program and examines the impact of social sciences on wildfire management.Colorado -
17 Ways We Grew: Community Wildfire Resilience Lessons from 2017
Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network Blog, December 21, 2017by: Allison JolleyThis blog post discusses different aspects of wildfire management and presents the 17 community wildfire resilience lessons observed in the year 2017. -
Tennessee Wildfires: Now Is the Time to Plan
Headwaters Economics Blog, December, 2016by: Kimiko BarrettThis blog post presents information on the Great Smoky Mountains National Park wildfires and the extent of their impact on the surrounding communities.Tennessee -
Fire Narratives: Are Any Accurate?
Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network Blog, January 25, 2018by: Sarah McCafferyThis blog post discusses the origin of the wildfire problem and studies the relation between housing development and wildfires.California -
Rising Wildfire Costs Encourage Better Land Use Planning
Headwaters Economics Blog, February 8, 2016by: Kimiko BarrettThis blog post emphasizes the use of land use planning strategies in wildfire hazard management based on the study of five urban areas in the West and Southwest.San Diego, CA -
Fire & Flood: Lessons from Hurricane Harvey for Wildfire
Headwaters Economics Blog, September 6, 2017by: Kelly PohlThis blog post discusses how land use planning affects hazard management based on the case study of Hurricane Harvey, Houston.Houston, TX -
Identifying Communities at Risk to Wildfire
Headwaters Economics Blog, May 26, 2016by: Kimiko BarrettThis blog post provides information on the new interactive tool developed by Headwaters Economics to map and examine WUI communities. -
Planning for Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: A Resource Guide for Idaho Communities
2016by: Jaap Vos, Molly Mowery, AICP, Alexander GradThis guide presents information on wildfires in the WUI and the ‘WUI Wildfire Planning Process’ useful for WUI communities in Idaho.Idaho -
Guide to Fire Adapted Communities
2014by: Michelle Medley-DanielThis guide presents foundational concepts, resources, and case studies for communities aiming to build their adaptive capacity to wildfire.Prescott, AZ -
Living with Wildfire in Wyoming – Defensible Landscaping
2013by: Donna Cuin, Nick WilliamsThis guide provides detailed information on landscaping techniques pertaining to home protection and wildfire management.Natrona County, WY -
Fire Adapted Communities Self-Assessment Tool
2017This guide helps communities assess their resources, wildfire management strategies, and adaptive capacity to wildfires. -
Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Protection Act
Revised Statutes §477, 1997by: State of OregonThis statute by the State of Oregon, known as the Oregon Defensible Space Law establishes building construction and design requirements for efficient wildfire management. It aims to achieve the goal of public and private owner education and awareness about wildfire hazards.Oregon -
California Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones Statute
Government Code §§51175 – 51189, 1992by: State of CaliforniaThis statute by the State of California, establishes the classification of the state lands based on hazard severity levels. It aims to help stakeholders and the community in wildfire management and provides requirements for building construction and design for these communities.California -
Protecting Your Home from Wildfire: Creating Wildfire-Defensible Zones
2012This guide provides recommendations and steps on home protection against wildfires for WUI communities in Colorado.Colorado -
Federal Land Assistance, Management and Enhancement Act
43 U.S. Code Chapter 35 §1701, 2009by:This statute establishes the FLAME Fund for the costs of catastrophic emergency wildland fire suppression activities. -
Community Wildfire Protection Plan Guide
2012This guide aims to help WUI communities and stakeholders in Texas, about CWPP development practices and effective wildfire management.Texas -
Wildland Urban Interface Toolkit
2016This toolkit helps communities learn and prepare about the WUI in detail. -
California Responsibility for Fire Protection Statute
Public Resources Code §§4125–4137, 1965by: State of CaliforniaThis statute by the State of California, authorizes the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection to classify the responsibility areas. It states the requirement for the preparation of a plan by the board for determining adequate statewide fire protection of state responsibility areas.California -
Florida Prescribed Burning Act
Title 35, Chapter 590 (State Statute 590.125(3)), Florida State Legislature, 1990by: State of FloridaThis statute by the State of Florida, establishes regulations pertaining to prescribed burning for beneficial, ecological, silvicultural, and wildfire management purposes, and protects prescribed burners from civil liability based on certain criteria.Florida -
Utah Wildland Fire Policy
Senate Bill 122, Utah State Legislature, 2016by: State of UtahThis bill by the State of Utah, establishes the requirements for a municipality to abate uncontrolled wildfire on private and municipality-owned land within its boundaries. It also presents regulations that allow government bodies to cooperate with the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, through agreements.Utah -
Georgia Prescribed Burning Act
Official Code §§12-6-145–149, 2016by: State of GeorgiaThis statute by the State of Georgia, establishes regulations pertaining to prescribed burning for beneficial, ecological, silvicultural, and wildfire management purposes, and provides associated requirements.Georgia -
Texas Prescribed Burning Statute
Natural Resources Code Chapter 153, 1999by: State of TexasThis statute by the State of Texas, created a Prescribed Burning Board to establishes minimum standards for prescribed burning and for certification as a prescribed burn manager.Texas -
Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 – ‘Master Plans’
15 U.S. Code, Chapter 49, §2209, 1974by: U.S. Government Publishing OfficeThis statute establishes master plans for wildfire management and aims to encourage related planning communities to be adopted by all States. -
California Building Code
California Building Code, 2016by: State of CaliforniaThis statute by the State of California, establishes building construction and design regulations for developments in the WUI areas.California -
Rural Development Act of 1972
7 U.S. Code, Chapter 59, 1972by: U.S. Government Publishing OfficeThis statute directs Federal agencies to develop policies and procedures to give first priority to the location of Federal facilities in rural areas. -
Nevada Management of Vegetation Statute
Revised Statutes §472.041, 2015by: State of NevadaThis statute by the State of Nevada, establishes requirements and regulations pertaining to vegetative management, soil stabilization, and landscaping techniques.Nevada -
Prescribed Burn Approval Act of 2016
16 U.S. Code, Chapter 3, §551c-1, 2016by: U.S. Government Publishing OfficeThis act establishes limitations on prescribed burning operations and prohibits the Forest Service from authorizing a prescribed burning operations on Forest Service land. -
Summit County, Colorado: Recommendations for Policies and Regulations Related to Reducing Community Wildfire Risk
2015by: Wildfire Planning International, , Headwaters EconomicsThis case study of Summit County, Colorado, presents strategies and recommendations for effective wildfire management with the integration of land use policies and regulations.Summit County, CO -
San Diego, California: A Unique Regulatory Approach to an Expansive Wildland-Urban Interface Challenge
2016This case study discusses innovative land use strategies used by San Diego, for effective wildfire management.San Diego, CA -
Santa Fe, New Mexico: A Coordinated Approach to Protecting the Escarpment
2016This case study discusses innovative land use strategies used by Santa Fe, New Mexico, for effective wildfire management.Santa Fe, NM -
Integrating Wildfire into the Land Use Planning Process: A Case Study on Summit County, Colorado
2015by: Headwaters Economics, Clarion Associates, Wildfire Planning InternationalThis Summit County case study examines the benefits of using land use planning strategies in wildfire management.Summit County, CO -
Flagstaff, Arizona: Leveraging Partnerships and Public Support to Tackle Growing Wildfire Concerns
2016This case study discusses innovative land use strategies used by Flagstaff, Arizona, for effective wildfire management.Flagstaff, AZ -
Local Responses to Wildfire Risks and Costs: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
2014Case studies of communities located in Colorado, Arizona, California, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, and New Mexico, are analyzed to study the impact of shifting wildfire realities on wildfire risk management.Santa Fe, NM -
Austin, Texas: Managing for Growth, Healthy Landscapes, and Wildfire Risk Reduction
2016This case study discusses innovative land use strategies used by Austin, Texas, for effective wildfire management.Austin, TX -
Boulder, Colorado: Balancing Regulation and Education to Reduce Wildfire Risk
2016This case study discusses innovative land use strategies used by Boulder, Colorado, for effective wildfire management.Boulder, CO -
Colorado Community Wildfire Protection Plans
2018This web page provides a list of CWPPs located in Colorado.Colorado -
National Interagency Fire Center - Statistics
1965This web page provides periodical statistics and history of wildland fire. -
Communities Threatened by Wildfire, 2000-2017
2018This interactive map depicts information based on location, severity and period of wildfires in a particular city or town. -
Community Fire Planning Zone (CFPZ) in Idaho
2011by: Data BasinThis interactive map presents specific areas of communities in Idaho which require fire risk mitigation efforts.Idaho -
Wildfire Hazard Potential
2015by: Greg DillonThis interactive map examines the risks associated with wildfires and discusses fuel management practices applicable to very large landscapes. -
Colorado’s Wildland Urban Interface
2004This map provides access to statewide wildfire risk assessment information in Colorado.Colorado -
Sonoma County, CA – Fire Hazard Severity Zones in SRA
2007by: CAL FIREThis interactive map demonstrates development patterns, estimated fire behavior characteristics, and burn probabilities in Sonoma County, California, in order to help in likelihood and potential assessment of new construction.Sonoma County, CA -
Fremont, CA, Wildland Urban Interface Map
2007This interactive map depicts zones based on severity from fire hazards in the City of Fremont, CA.Fremont, CA -
Austin, TX, Downtown Development and Capitol View Corridors
June 2007by: Austin, TX, Downtown CommissionThis report identifies view corridors to protect view corridors that lead to the Capital dome.Austin, TX -
Amherst, MA, Comprehensive Planning Study
May 2004This report analyzes development trends in Amherst, and recommends planning strategies to manage growth, including viewshed protection.Amherst town, MA -
Orange Grove Aesthetic Viewshed Study
Orange Grove Project Application for Certification, June 2008This report outlines visual impacts of the Orange Grove Project, which consists of a powerplant on land that was previously used for agricultural purposes.San Diego County, CA -
Protecting Scenic Views Fact Sheet
2013This fact sheet highlights the importance of protecting scenic views.New York -
Twin Falls County, ID, Comprehensive Plan
April 2008The county’s comprehensive plan incorporates scenic viewshed protection as part of the natural resources chapter.Twin Falls County, ID -
Smyth County, VA, Comprehensive Plan 2013 Update
Revised October 2014The county’s comprehensive plan refers to scenic resources throughout various elements.Smyth County, VA