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Sign Litigation: A Brief Analysis of Reed v. Town of Gilbert
Coates’ Canons, July 21, 2015by: Adam LoveladyThis blog post introduces the context for free speech case law, summarizes the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert, explains the implications of the case for local sign regulations, and highlights a number of open questions about specific regulatory approaches. -
Model Sign Ordinance
2016This model sign code provides a template to help municipalities in Ohio draft content-neutral sign regulations. -
New Mexico Transfer of Development Rights Statute
Annotated Statutes §5-8-43, 2003New Mexico’s transfer of development rights statute authorizes counties and municipalities to establish transfer of development rights programs.New Mexico -
New Jersey State Transfer of Development Rights Bank Act
Annotated Statutes §§4:1C-49–55, 2017New Jersey’s transfer of development rights bank statute establishes a state transfer of development rights bank through the Executive Branch.New Jersey -
Georgia Transfer of Development Rights Statute
Code, §36-66A, 2016by:Georgia’s transfer of development rights statute authorizes municipalities to establish procedures, methods, and standards for the transfer of development rights within its jurisdiction.Georgia -
Arizona County Zoning Statute
Revised Statutes §§11-811–820, 2018Arizona’s county zoning enabling statute authorizes counties to establish procedures, methods and standards for the transfer of development rights within its jurisdiction.Arizona -
Transfer of Development Rights Policy Primer
2013by: Smart Growth AmericaThis fact sheet highlights the key components of a transfer of development rights program. -
Conservation Legacy: Transfer of Development Rights Feasibility Study
2011This report contains fundamental information related to transfer of development rightsMississippi -
Washington Regional Transfer of Development Rights Program Statute
Revised Code §43.362, 2009by: State of WashingtonWashington’s regional transfer of development rights statute authorizes a regional transfer of development rights program for counties and cities.Washington -
Smart Growth through the Transfer of Development Rights
2010by: Katharine Otto, AICPThis report includes 20 short case studies of transfer of development rights programs from across the country related to farmland, open space, and natural resource preservation. -
Transfer of Development Rights in U.S. Communities: Evaluating Program Design, Implementation, and Outcomes
2007by: margaret walls, Virginia McConnellThis report offers detailed case studies of 10 transfer of development rights programs covering a range of land use goals. -
The Economics of Transferring Development in the New Jersey Highlands
2006by: Environmental DefenseThis report evaluates the potential role of a transfer of development rights program aimed at preserving New Jersey’s Highlands which cover a seven-county region.New Jersey -
Transfer of Development Rights for Balanced Development
1998by: James Nicholas, Robert PiraniThis report summarizes the findings and outcomes from a 1998 conference focused on exploring the potential for and limitations of using a transfer of development rights program. -
Transferring Development Rights: Purpose, Problems, and Prospects in New York
Pace Law Review, 17: 319–357, 1996by: Joseph StinsonThis article analyzes the history and application of transfer of development rights in New York from a legal perspective, citing legal precedents and considerations relevant to many municipalities.New York -
Transfer of Development Rights: Steps in Establishing a TDR Program
N.d.by: The Cascade Land ConservancyThis fact sheet presents twelve elements that contribute to establishing and managing a successful transfer of development rights program. -
Transfer of Development Rights Fact Sheet (AFT)
2008This fact sheet explains the history, functions, and purposes of TDR for farmland protection. -
Transfer of Development Rights Fact Sheet (CRCOG)
2002This fact sheet explains a typical transfer of development rights program and appropriate circumstances for utilizing this tool. It highlights a few successful programs and recommends ways to obtain program support from state government. -
TDR Citizens Guidebook
2009by: Land Use Clinic, University of Georgia School of LawThis guide provides information to community stakeholders interested in designing and implementing transfer of development rights programs. -
Pima County, Arizona Transfer of Development Rights Implementation Guide
2007This guide provides information to property owners in Pima County, Arizona, to help them understand the county’s transfer of development rights program.Pima County, AZ -
Creative Placemaking White Paper (NEA)
2010by: Ann Markusen, Anne NicodemusThis report discusses the social and economic benefits of creative placemaking and provides guidance to support successful placemaking initiatives. -
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Creative Placemaking
June 2016by: Lynne McCormackThis blog post explores the history of creative placemaking and the opportunities it presents for the future. -
Breaking Down Creative Placemaking
April 2016This fact sheet delves into the definition and components of creative placemaking. -
What is “Creative Placemaking”?
n.d.This factsheet introduces creative placemaking concepts and provides short articles that define the use of arts and culture in community spaces. -
Collaborative, Creative Placemaking: Good Public Art Depends on Good Public Spaces
2012by: Cynthia NikitinThis article discusses the importance of collaboration when creating interactive public spaces. -
Creative Placemaking 2.0
Grantmakers in the Arts Reader, Vol 23, No 2, 2012by: Anne NicodemusThis article summarizes definitions and approaches to creative placemaking. -
Signs of Life: The Station North Arts District in Baltimore, Maryland
NEA Arts Magazine, Issue 2012, Number 3, 2012by: Rebecca GrossThis article discusses how creative placemaking initiatives in Baltimore reactivated a neighborhood and supported the growth of an Arts and Entertainment District.Baltimore, MD -
Our View of Creative Placemaking, Two Years In
2012by: Jason Schupbach, Sunil IyengarThis blog post discusses the benefits of creative placemaking and explores creative placemaking indicators developed by the National Endowment for the Arts. -
A Place for Placemaking in San Diego
2017by: Kathleen Ferrier, AICP, Joe CosgroveThis report provides examples of creative placemaking and recommends approaches to support community-led creative placemaking efforts.San Diego, CA -
Arts, Culture and Community Outcomes
2017by: Chris Walker, Anne NicodemusThis report explores how creative placemaking contributes to community development. -
Building Vibrancy: Creative Placemaking Strategies for Gateway City Growth and Renewal
July 2012by: Benjamin Forman, Tyler CreightonThis report explores how creative placemaking can support growth and renewal in Gateway Cities in Massachusetts.Massachusetts -
Building Worlds Together: The Many Functions and Forms of Arts and Community Development
2011by: Lyz CraneThis report discusses the intersection between arts and community development. -
Arts, Culture and Transportation: A Creative Placemaking Field Scan
September 2017by: Ben Stone, Mallory NezamThis report identifies how arts and culture can impact transportation planning. -
Cultivating "Natural" Cultural Districts
September 2007by: Mark Stern, Susan SeifertThis report provides information on natural clusters of cultural assets in urban spaces and illustrates how to support grassroots efforts. -
Creative Placemaking: Integrating Community, Cultural and Economic Development
November 2012by: Leonardo Vazquez, AICPThis report provides a framework for creative placemaking and identifies elements related to the creative placemaking process. -
Creative Placemaking Case Study: Brookland-Edgewood
https://kresge.org/library/creative-placemaking-case-study-brookland-edgewood-0This report explores the role of creative placemaking in the Brookland-Edgewood neighborhood in Washington, D.C., and highlights how creative placemaking can improve quality of life for a neighborhood.Washington, DC -
Crossing the Street: Building DC’s Inclusive Future through Creative Placemaking
December 2017This report highlights creative placemaking projects in Washington, DC.Washington, DC -
Cutting Teeth on Creative Placemaking: Southeast Houston Arts Initiative Case Study
2012by: Anne NicodemusThis report reviews the Southeast Houston Arts Initiative, a creative placemaking project based on community involvement.Houston, TX -
Exploring the Ways Arts and Culture Intersects with Housing: Emerging Practices and Implications for Further Action
April 2016by: Danya ShermanThis report explores the relationship between creative placemaking and housing and provides examples of how arts and cultural strategies can work together to meet community needs. -
More than Storefronts: Insights into Creative Placemaking and Community Economic Development
2017by: Christopher Walker, Anne Nicodemus, Rachel EnghThis report focuses on the role of creative placemaking in fostering community economic development. -
Exploring the Ways Arts and Culture Intersect with Public Safety: Identifying Current Practice and Opportunities for Further Inquiry
April 2016by: Caroline RossThis report focuses on the intersection between public safety and creative placemaking. -
Measuring the Outcomes of Creative Placemaking
2014by: Mark Stern, Kenneth PrayThis report explores methods for measuring the impacts of creative placemaking. -
Guide for Business Districts to Work with Local Artists
2016This guide provides resources for engaging with artists during creative placemaking projects. -
Arts and Culture Planning: A Toolkit for Communities
2014This guide explores methods for successful arts and culture planning in local communities.Chicago city, IL -
How to Do Creative Placemaking
2017This guide focuses on how art can play a role in community development. -
Toolkit for Preserving Arts + Affordability + Funkiness
June 2015This guide discusses strategies to maintain affordability to support artists, one of the key pieces of creative placemaking.Burlington, VT -
Sustainable Jersey Actions
n.d.This guide incorporates creative placemaking as a sustainability strategy to strengthen communities in New Jersey.New Jersey -
Arts as Proven Economic Driver in Placemaking
n.d.by: Neil TakemotoThis blog post provides multiple examples of how creative placemaking can contribute to economic growth. -
Agenda Spotlight: Creative Placemaking
September 2016This blog post focuses on how creative placemaking can develop active public places by incorporating public art. -
Creative Placemaking and the Politics of Belonging and Dis-Belonging
2012by: Roberto BedoyaThis blog post discusses the intersection between creative placemaking and social justice. -
Fuzzy Concepts, Proxy Data: Why Indicators Won't Track Creative Placemaking Success
2012by: Ann MarkusenThis blog post discusses the importance of supportive evaluative systems in creative placemaking.