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Collier County, FL, Code of Ordinances
2018The county’s land development code authorizes transfer of development rights as part of special treatment overlays for the protection and conservation of natural resources, significant historical or archaeological contributions, aesthetic, or ecosystem contributions.Collier County, FL -
Payette County, ID, County Code
2018The county’s code authorizes transfer of development rights to preserve agricultural land, open space, critical wildlife habitat, and rural character.Payette County, ID -
Charles County, MD, Code of Public Local Laws
2018The city’s zoning code authorizes transfer of development rights for farmland and farming resource protection.Charles County, MD -
Marin County, CA, Development Code
2013by:The county’s development code authorizes transfer of development rights for the protection of environmentally sensitive areas.Marin County, CA -
Cecil County, MD, Code of Ordinances
2018The county’s codified ordinances authorize transfer of development rights to preserve environmentally sensitive areas and agricultural land.Cecil County, MD -
Parker, CO, Municipal Code
2017The town’s sign code includes provisions amended in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert.Parker, CO -
Norfolk, VA, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s land development code includes sign regulations amended in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert.Norfolk, VA -
Warner, NH, Zoning Ordinance
2016The town’s zoning code includes sign regulations amended in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert.Warner town, NH -
Jonesboro, GA, Code of Ordinances
2017The city’s zoning code includes sign regulations amended in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert.Jonesboro, GA -
Campbell County, VA, County Code
2016The county’s zoning code includes sign regulations amended in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert.Campbell County, VA -
Tampa, FL, Urban Forest Management Plan
Adopted 2013The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees.Tampa, FL -
Saratoga Springs, NY, Urban and Community Forest Master Plan
Adopted 2013The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees.Saratoga Springs city, NY -
Athens-Clarke County, GA, Code of Ordinances
2017The city and county’s community tree management code establishes tree preservation, planting, and maintenance requirements for all public and private property.Athens-Clarke County unified government, GA -
Tigard, OR, Urban Forestry Master Plan
Adopted 2013The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees.Tigard, OR -
Shoreline, WA, Urban Forest Strategic Plan
Adopted 2014The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees.Shoreline, WA -
Virginia Beach, VA, Urban Forest Management Plan
Adopted 2013The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees.Virginia Beach city, VA -
Seattle, WA, Urban Forest Stewardship Plan
Adopted 2013The city’s urban forest plan includes policy recommendations for public and private trees and emphasizes community outreach.Seattle, WA -
Binghamton, NY, Urban Forest Management Plan
Adopted 2010The city’s urban forest plan provides policy recommendations to maintain and grow urban trees in Binghamton, New York.Binghamton, NY -
Charlottesville, VA, Urban Forest Management Plan
2009The city’s urban forest plan consolidates urban forestry practices for Charlottesville, Virginia.Charlottesville, VA -
Austin, TX, Urban Forest Plan: A Master Plan for Public Property
Adopted 2014The city’s urban forest plan establishes a long-range vision for the city’s urban forest and provides a roadmap for implementation.Austin, TX -
Palo Alto, CA, Sustaining the Legacy: Palo Alto Urban Forest Master Plan
Adopted 2015The city’s urban forest plan provides policy recommendations for public and private trees.Palo Alto, CA -
Ithaca, NY, Ithaca’s Trees: Master Plan, Inventory and Arboricultural Guidelines for Public Trees
Updated 2014The city’s urban forest plan includes a vision and policy recommendations for trees on public property. -
Boston, MA, MetroFuture: Making a Greater Boston Region
May 2008The region's comprehensive plan includes a goal to increase connections between arts and cultural resources and people in the Boston region.Boston, MA -
Denver, CO, Imagine 2020: Denver’s Cultural Plan
2014The city’s functional plan provides strategies to support arts, culture, and creativity and incorporates creative placemaking strategies to encourage community vibrancy.Denver, CO -
Glendale, CA, Arts & Cultural Plan 2013-2018
2013This functional plan encourages creative placemaking through a series of goals and strategies related to arts and culture.Glendale, CA -
Red Wing, MN, Zoning Ordinance
2017The city's zoning code addresses design review regulations for commercial, office, industrial, and warehouse buildings in business, industrial, and mixed use districts.Red Wing, MN -
DeSoto County, MS, Design Standards Ordinance
2008This ordinance sets design review standards to preserve and promote good quality design within the county.DeSoto County, MS -
Freeport, ME, Codes and Ordinances
2011The town code includes a design review ordinance.Freeport town, ME -
Sandy, UT, Architectural Design Standards for Commercial, Office, Institutional and Industrial Developments
2004The city's architectural design standards provide design standards applicable to all nonresidential development projects.Sandy, UT -
Apache Junction, AZ, Commercial Design Guidelines
n.d.These design guidelines for commercial development highlight small-town character and Southwestern design.Apache Junction, AZ -
Windermere, FL, Town Center Design Guidelines
2004These design guidelines were developed to implement a community vision plan for the downtown business district.Windermere, FL -
Fuquay-Varina, NC, Design Guidelines – Town Center Overlay District
2009These architectural and building design guidelines apply to primary and transition districts in the town center overlay district.Fuquay-Varina, NC -
Kennewick, WA, Commercial Design Standards
2007The city's commercial design standards address site design, building design, and streetscape.Kennewick, WA -
Virginia Beach, VA, Mixed Use Development Guidelines
2004These design guidelines for the central business mixed use district were created to implement the comprehensive plan.Virginia Beach, VA -
Worthington, OH, Design Guidelines
n.d.The design guidelines apply to the architectural review district and new construction and renovation throughout the community.Worthington, OH -
Arroyo Grande, CA, Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts
2004These design guidelines apply to four mixed use districts along a major corridor within the city.Arroyo Grande, CA -
Mesa County, CO, Whitewater Mixed Use/Commercial Districts and Design Standards
n.d.These design guidelines and standards were created for use in a specific planning area for mixed use development.Mesa County, CO -
Yakima County, WA, Code of Ordinance
2016The county’s building code adopts the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code with amendments.Yakima County, WA -
Clark County, WA, Code of Ordinances
2018The county’s fire prevention code includes a wildland-urban interface chapter, that recognizes and establishes policies pertaining to WUI growth and development, conservation of natural resources, and protection of lives and property from the hazards of uncontrolled wildfire.Clark County, WA -
Carson, NV, Municipal Code
2007The city’s codified ordinances include multiple provisions that address wildfire mitigation in wildland-urban interface areas, such as establishment of Landscape Maintenance Districts, development of defensible spaces, and fire protection standards.Carson, NV -
San Luis Obispo, CA, Community Design Guidelines
2010The city's design guidelines address commercial and industrial projects, specific uses, downtown projects, and residential projects.San Luis Obispo, CA -
Douglas County, CO, Zoning Resolution
2007The county’s zoning code establishes a Wildfire Hazard Overlay District, and aims to minimize the potential of loss of life and property caused by wildfires.Douglas County, CO -
Ottawa, ON, Completed Planning and Design Guidelines
2006, 2009The city has developed a number of separate planning and design guidelines for various types of development within the city. -
Roseville, CA, Community Design Guidelines
1995, revised 2008These design guidelines are the primary implementing measure for the city's general plan community design element.Roseville, CA -
Hebron, CT, Guidelines for Community Site and Architectural Design
2013These design guidelines for a small town of about 10,000 people are used to evaluate all land use applications.Hebron town, CT -
Monrovia, CA, Community Wildfire Protection Plan
2014This CWPP aims to protect unique environmental and historic preservation values of the community. It focuses on measures related to vegetation management and structural ignitability.Monrovia, CA -
Antioch, CA, Citywide Design Guidelines
2009These citywide design guidelines are based on a community visual preference survey.Antioch, CA -
East Shore of Staten Island, NY, CWPP – Richmond County
2012This CWPP aims to better prepare agencies and professionals for the protection of the community’s residents and natural resources from the wildfire risks and hazards.Staten Island borough, NY -
Austin/Travis County, TX, Community Wildfire Protection Plan
2014by: Bowman ConsultingThe development process for this CWPP focused on three major components - stakeholder involvement, risk assessment refinement, and peer review.Travis County, TX