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PVPC, MA-CT, Model Home-Based Business Bylaw
2015This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties revise their home occupations regulations. -
Tennessee Smart Start Small Business Guide
December 2016This guide provides prospective and current small businesses with information about state economic development resources and considerations tailored to “targeted businesses,” including home-based and internet businesses. -
The HBBC Recommended Model Ordinance
2006This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties revise their home occupations regulations. -
Analysis and Recommendations for Home-Based Businesses in Maricopa County
March 2003by: Kenneth HallThis report examines home-based business trends and corresponding local regulatory approaches and includes a model ordinance. -
Discovering Your City’s Maker Economy
November 2017by: Emily Robbins, Ilyssa Meyer, Ilana Preuss, Johnny Magdaleno, Lee WellingtonThis report discusses local programs and initiatives that support home-based and small business makers. -
Zoning for Home Occupations: Modernizing Zoning Codes to Accommodate Growth in Home-Based Businesses
Real Estate Law Journal, 35: 181-200, 2006by: Patricia SalkinThis article discusses common approaches to regulating home occupations through zoning. -
The Forgotten Sector: Focusing on Home-Based Businesses
Economic Development Journal, 17(1): 11-19, 2018by: Melissa DavidsonThis article discusses the creation of home-based business supportive economic development programs. -
On Castles and Commerce: Zoning Law and the Home-Based Business Dilemma
William & Mary Law Review, 42(4): 1191-1244, 2001by: Nicole GarnettThis article examines the relationship between zoning codes and the continued growth of home-based businesses. -
Zoning for Home Offices: Recognizing Reality
Planning Commissioners Journal, 12: 12-14, 1993by: Paul Edwards, Sarah EdwardsThis article advocates for a performance-based approach to regulating home occupations through zoning. -
Home-Based Workers in the United States: 2010
Household Economic Studies: Current Population Reports P70-132, October 2012by: Peter Mateyka, Melanie Rapino, Liana LandivarThis report presents US Census Bureau research on the demographics of home-based work in America. -
Alfred, ME, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2017The city's zoning code distinguishes among four types of home occupations based on intensity. -
Roanoke, VA, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2018The city’s zoning code permits home occupations by right subject to use-specific standards. -
Yuma, AZ, City Code
Updated August 2018The city’s zoning code permits home occupations by right subject to use-specific standards. -
Rhinebeck, NY, Village Code
Updated July 2018The village’s zoning code allows home occupations with a discretionary use permit subject to use-specific standards. -
New Brunswick, NJ, Municipal Code
Updated September 2018The city’s zoning code permits home occupations by right subject to use-specific standards. -
Woodstock, GA, Land Development Code
Updated February 2018The city’s land development code permits home occupations by right subject to use-specific standards. -
Commerce, CA, Code of Ordinances
Updated February 2018The city’s zoning code allows home occupations with a discretionary use permit subject to use-specific standards. -
Charleston, IL, City Code
Updated July 2018The city’s zoning code distinguishes between high- and low-intensity home occupations. -
Scott County, MN, County Ordinances
Updated March 2017The county’s zoning code distinguishes between high- and low-intensity home occupations. -
Botetourt County, VA, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2018The county’s zoning code distinguishes between three types of home occupations. -
Godfrey, IL, Code of Ordinances
Updated May 2018The village’s zoning code permits home occupations by right subject to use-specific standards. -
Colleton County, SC, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2017The county’s zoning code distinguishes between four types of home occupations. -
Kamloops, BC, City Bylaws
January 2018The city’s zoning bylaw permits home occupations by right, subject to use-specific standards. -
Cook County, GA, Code of Ordinances
Updated August 2016The county’s zoning code distinguishes between three types of home occupations. -
Elephant Butte, NM, Code of Ordinances
Updated September 2015The city's zoning code permits home occupations by right, subject to use-specific standards. -
Broken Arrow, OK, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2018The city’s zoning code permits home occupations by right, subject to use-specific standards -
Midland, ON, Town By-Laws
Updated July 2016The town’s zoning bylaw permits home occupations by right subject to use-specific standards. -
Luverne, MN, City Code
Updated March 2018The city’s land use ordinance allows home occupations with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards. -
Pine Bluff, AR, Code of Ordinances
Updated July 2018The city’s zoning code distinguishes between three types of home occupations. -
Tewksbury Township, NJ, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2018The town’s zoning code distinguishes between high- and low-intensity home occupations. -
Whiting, IN, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2016The city’s unified development code permits home occupations by right, subject to use-specific standards. -
Winter Haven, FL, Code of Ordinances
Updated March 2018The city’s unified development ordinance permits home occupations by right, subject to use-specific standards. -
Northville, MI, Zoning Ordinance
Updated May 2018The city's zoning code permits home occupations by right, subject to use specific standards. -
Local Impacts of Commercial Cannabis
September 2018by: Laura Goddeeris, AICP, Will FrickeThis report analyzes experiences to date in states that permit recreational marijuana sales and use. -
Georgia Model Solar Zoning Ordinance
Version 1.0, July 2018This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties in Georgia draft development regulations for different solar energy system types and sizes. -
Palm Desert, CA, Comprehensive General Plan
Adopted November, 2016The city's general plan provides several policies and programs that support development of solar and other local alternative energy sources, as well as conservation of environmentally sensitive areas. -
Wasco County, OR, Land Use & Development Ordinance
Updated July 2016The county’s unified development code defines and regulates small and large wind energy systems. -
Huron County, MI, Zoning Ordinance
Updated November 2015The county’s zoning code defines and regulates accessory and primary-use wind energy systems. -
Clinton County, IN, Unified Development Ordinance
Adopted November 2015The county’s unified development code defines and regulates small, medium, and large wind energy systems. -
Watauga County, NC, Ordinance to Regulate Wind Energy Systems
Updated October 2015The county’s wind energy ordinance defines and regulates small and large wind energy systems. -
Cottage Grove, MN, City Code
Updated February 2022by: City of Cottage Grove, MNThe city's code permits accessory solar energy systems in all districts, promotes solar access design, and incentivizes solar site planning. -
Gilbert, AZ, Industrial/Employment Design Guidelines
2005These guidelines apply to all new industrial and employment developments and substantial alternations. -
Pine Lake, GA, Code of Ordinances
Updated October 2021This regulation belongs to the Age-Friendly Communities and Urban Heat Resilience collections. -
Riverhead, NY, Town Code
Updated March 2019The town’s zoning code creates special standards for seniors and people with disabilities applying for home modifications. -
Woodstock, GA, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2019The city’s zoning code sets standards for senior living developments to promote aging in place. -
Springfield, IL, Code of Ordinances
Updated June 2019The city’s zoning code includes visitability standards for one- and two-family residential developments receiving funding from the city. -
Syracuse, NY, Municipal Code
Updated May 2019The city’s zoning code mandates visitability standards for residential projects that receive public funds. -
Rockdale County, GA, Code of Ordinances
Updated April 2019The county’s zoning code includes a senior housing element in their collaborative residential subdivision zoning district. -
Rockford, IL, Code of Ordinances
Updated October 2018The city’s zoning code contains visitability standards for all new projects receiving financial assistance from the city. -
Robbinsville Township, NJ, Township Code
Updated March 2019The township’s zoning code establishes a Mixed-Use/Age-Restricted Conservation Development Zone District.